To process (a photosensitive material), especially with chemicals, in order to render a recorded image visible.
Develop: to process (a photosensitive material), especially with chemicals, in order to render a recorded image visible.
End users get what they're after, and you don't worry about how an image visible through VNC affects the launch of a new browser frame.
When the light is on, or white, the image is visible. When the light is off, or black, the layer can't be seen.
Two other large metropolitan areas are visible in the image-norfolk and Richmond, Virginia, at image lower left-but neither is considered part of the ASC.
"The CMB is certainly visible but the image itself is colour-enhanced so you couldn't do any science with that," he explained.
The curvature of the Earth’s horizon (the limb) is clearly visible, as is the faint blue line of the upper atmosphere directly above it (at image top center).
The curvature of the Earth's horizon (the limb) is clearly visible, as is the faint blue line of the upper atmosphere directly above it (at image top center).
A small plume of dust is even visible to the centre left of the image, which was kicked up by the falling debris.
Much of the Sea of Okhotsk visible in the image is covered with low clouds that often form around the islands in the Kuril chain.
The landscape is marbled blue from countless swollen streams that aren’t even visible in the pre-flood image.
When the layout expands, a visible part of the image being shown is always visible.
Other features visible in the image include a solid field of low cloud cover at the lower left corner of the image.
Several of the dark coal seams are visible along the sunlit southern wall of the pit (these may be more visible in the larger image version).
A black and white image, taken in visible light with the wide-angle camera, is used to fill in parts of the Mosaic.
If you don't change the insets, no image at all will be visible.
Not all of these tiles will be visible in the final composited image, so there is a great opportunity to increase the performance of this step with a little finesse.
The sharp image shows stunning features in the galaxy's face-on disk of stars and dust along with background galaxies, some visible right through M101 itself.
这张高清图片展现了这个星系壮观的的恒星与星尘盘的正面特征,背景上还有这一些星系,有些还能透过M101 看到。
Most of the red dots in the lower right of the image have no counterparts in visible light images, and only some have been cataloged by previous infrared surveys.
The oil slick is particularly visible in this image because of the way the sun reflects off the oil and the surrounding water.
Immediately south of the Betsiboka River, which is visible in the large image, this area is roughly 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the coast.
Part of a space station solar panel is visible at image upper right; behind the panel, a bright region indicates the Sun low on the horizon.
In the image, one coronal hole appears near the top center of the sun while another one — a polar coronal hole — is visible near the bottom of the view.
Also visible at image upper left is Ellington Field. This airport services a variety of NASA aircraft used for astronaut training, scientific, and cargo transport purposes.
Its regular grid pattern is clearly visible at image upper left; concentric rings of major roadways around the city have been added as the metropolitan area has expanded.
Also visible at image upper left is Ellington Field.This airport services a variety of NASA aircraft used for astronaut training, scientific, and cargo transport purposes.
To reproduce a 3d image, the researchers bathe the metal-sheathed material in ordinary white light, which contains all wavelengths of visible light (including red, blue, and green).
The image, released Monday, combines visible-light data from the Hubble Space Telescope (yellow) and X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue).
Intriguing details of the nebula are visible in the above image shown in scientific colors.
Intriguing details of the nebula are visible in the above image shown in scientific colors.