Its relationship to its immediate environment seems to play a part in which behavior will display.
Once language starts to develop from about age 2, they do have a system for symbolic representation and can talk about things which aren't in their immediate environment including the past.
Its crew can thus monitor its immediate environment over 360 degrees from the safety of its crew comportment.
Your normally deep waters run even deeper this week, as you take in your immediate environment at a new level.
The system used must allow ready access to the infant but should also minimise alterations in the immediate environment.
Our culture affects the way we see the physical world and the meanings we attribute to objects in our immediate environment.
The speech got a lot of national publicity and was her first brush with fame beyond the boundaries of her immediate environment.
From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense, because we need to figure out early on how to survive in our immediate environment.
With HMD, pilots can view the FLIR imagery in its true location, thereby greatly enhancing their awareness of the immediate environment.
If there is any similarity between them, it is that each race builds in a manner that is stubbornly at odds with the immediate environment.
If there is any similarity between them, it is that each race builds in a manner that is stubbornly at odds with the immediate environment.
Key objectives, in keeping with the premises of comfort and simplicity, were to provide fresh air and to control the immediate environment.
Imagination, fantasy, and the desire to escape the immediate environment are stimulated. Dreaminess, nostalgia, or moodiness may be hard to resist.
This immediate environment is described as the microeconomic environment of a firm and involves prices, revenues, cost, employment level and so on.
When working out the strategy of management enterprise should analyze its immediate environment, that was the trade state of the enterprise's competition.
This solution was designed so as not to expose the sensors to the immediate environment and influences, and to be able to use standard sensors (see FIG 1).
We seem to have a collection of these masks that habitually surface, intending to best serve our self-interest, based on the need of our immediate environment.
Researchers at the centre will investigate how to help robots not only sense their surroundings but be able to identify objects within their immediate environment.
But the confusing Pisces Full Moon is in your noisy 3rd House of Immediate Environment, so you might not be so effective today when attempting to put your plan into motion.
Obviously, you do not perceive this space between the atoms of your body and your immediate environment through your physical senses due to the limitations of your nervous system.
Lesson learned: Map and label your immediate environment in the new language from the very firstmoment. You'll build and reinforce associations passively while going about your daily life.
Perhaps it is best to construe the agreement guaranteed as primarily concerning a subject's most fundamental or "basic" beliefs (beliefs about one's immediate environment, for example). 8.
And besides, those who provide relaxed get-togethers give their staff an opportunity to bond, get to know people they don't work with in their immediate environment and talk over the week's issues.
In order to protect our environment, immediate actions should be taken, such as stopping cutting down trees.
But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever.
Doing so, however, will often result in an immediate and positive impact to your project and your environment.
For most organizations, a key part of the lifecycle for advancing business models is collaboration outside of the immediate analyst environment.
Although PCBs have a low immediate toxicity, they are very persistent in the environment and accumulate in tissues over time.
That means the most immediate applications could involve protecting scientific instruments in an Antarctic environment, or insulating devices on spacecraft operating far from the sun.
That means the most immediate applications could involve protecting scientific instruments in an Antarctic environment, or insulating devices on spacecraft operating far from the sun.