The mentor could not be an immediate family member or live in the youth's home and had to be at least five years older.
Mohamad Kabir sits in front of his makeshift shelter with his only surviving immediate family member, his son, Wajid.
An immediate family member (parent, sibling), friend, or someone with whom you're romantically involved may be under stress and require your help.
Call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room to get immediate help, or ask a friend or family member to help you do these things.
You may be able to get a green card as an immediate relative or as a family member in a preference category if your u. S. citizen relative files a Form I-130, Petition for Alien relative, for you.
如果你的美国公民的亲戚为异国的你填写一个表格i- 130,你可以作为一个至亲、家人享有优先权而获得绿卡。
Just more than a third say a member of their immediate family or a close relative is married to someone of a different race.
Plague follows the same course originally ascribed to vampires: a single member of a community dies, after which the immediate family withers away one by one.
Plague follows the same course originally ascribed to vampires: a single member of a community dies, after which the immediate family withers away one by one.