Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future.
49% of respondents agreed that they have put more investment into them during recent years; 41% agreed that they would invest more in the immediate future.
the immediate future, skimming through visions of monotony for the source behind my
有危险吗? 她,在不久的将来搜寻者,浏览单调的场景,只为找到我皱眉的原因。
But in the immediate future, there are enough green shoots to sustain some hopes of a rebound.
The drought also posed a threat to the immediate future of thousands of smallholder farmers.
But for the immediate future skilled workers in the rich world still seem to have the best prospects.
However, it seems Ankara has to take more serious steps to safeguard its immediate future in the sector.
In the U. S. the mid term elections will not really change anything that is planned for the immediate future.
There are many cases where transactions involving foreign exchange (FX) are not confined to the immediate future.
While no one is doubting Disney's immediate future, some analysts are concerned about the stock's heady valuation.
So, with no particular apprehension for his immediate future, he fell asleep and all was peace with Henry Armstrong.
AC: the first 0.0.1 version was released about a month ago. What are your plans for the immediate future of the project?
But then again, much of the present talk about ungovernability relates not to the recent past but to the immediate future.
U.S. carmakers are rushing to add more fuel-efficient smaller vehicles and hybrids to their fleets in the immediate future.
In the immediate future, the two companies will produce a hardware platform using parts from each company's current offerings.
It might seem scary at first glance, but the Android platform is not about to be bogged down with malware in the immediate future.
It is not the intention that you should waste too much energy on such matters, and your focus should remain on your immediate future.
In your immediate future you will experience such changes, that once world peace is established there will be no return to the old ways.
They can compete only on the stories where they are physically present—and, in the immediate future, by being relatively trusted sources.
But for the immediate future the great value of Antarctica may lie in other lines of research-from the common cold to problems of outer space.
NASA's newest class of astronauts signed up knowing there'd be no U.S. rockets to launch them into space, at least not in the immediate future.
NASA's newest class of astronauts signed up knowing there'd be no U. S. rockets to launch them into space, at least not in the immediate future.
In short, it is difficult to know what the immediate future holds for Sina, in both its core online business or its foray into offline advertising.
Draaisma and his team have not turned into all-out bulls, but they are positive about the immediate future, although they admit there are concerns.
Can you now see that regardless of what you have on Earth, it will pale into insignificance against what is waiting for you in the immediate future.
Can you now see that regardless of what you have on Earth, it will pale into insignificance against what is waiting for you in the immediate future.