Rell spokesman Judd Everhart had no immediate reaction to the rating Friday.
Oh, the immediate reaction would be a sense of relief that our men were coming home.
Your immediate reaction will be to try even harder, but that will only make you increasingly frustrated.
The players know the way I feel about this and I expect an immediate reaction, " slammed the Coach."
球员们知道我对这种方式的感受,我希望他们能立即作出反应。” 主教练批评到。
Colin's immediate reaction, just as I'd hoped, was to look like a man who'd been told he'd won the Lottery.
Our immediate reaction was to paint the comical picture of a lumbering elephant running from a little mouse.
Cech's immediate reaction was to feel sorry for Helton, as well as putting himself on guard against anything similar.
If you are meeting for a date you could present the flowers personally, this will give you benefit of an immediate reaction.
Also known as the fight-or-flight response, acute stress is your body's immediate reaction to a significant threat, challenge or scare.
While drafting this lecture, I have tried very hard to remember what my immediate reaction to the announcement of the award had been.
There was no immediate reaction from Park's office. She has apologized twice for the scandal but has not admitted to legal wrongdoing.
We need an immediate reaction from the psychological point of view. The team will have to show its pride, seriousness and professionalism.
"My immediate reaction was utter sympathy for this woman," Mrs. Boesky said in a telephone interview, adding that she does not know Mrs. Madoff.
Any hopes of an immediate reaction on the world financial markets were dashed. Stock markets plummeted Friday, as fears of recession continue to spread.
Crisis of libraries means a highly shocking situation which not only would threaten or destroy library system, but also request librarians' immediate reaction.
There was no context, but there was immediate reaction: Traders dumped Boeing shares, causing a temporary 1 percent drop in the Chicago-based company's valuation.
There was no context, but there was immediate reaction: Traders dumped Boeing shares, causing a temporary 1 percent drop in the Chicago-based company's valuation.
There was an immediate reaction from the developer community with hundreds of responses posted in the blogspot post as well as other forums including ZDnet and reddit.
It's true that what happens around the negotiating table does not always translate on to the pitch but the immediate reaction of the team and club has been positive.
There was no immediate reaction from NATO. However, as word of the apparent strike spread across Libya, celebratory gunfire was heard in the rebel stronghold, Benghazi.
As in many uncomfortable situations, your immediate reaction may be to immediately give an answer, stating how much you make and then explaining what range you'd be looking for in this job.
"When a green roof was suggested as a way to help us get the [design] through planning, our immediate reaction was that we would only have a green roof that we could really garden," they said.
"When a green roof was suggested as a way to help us get the [design] through planning, our immediate reaction was that we would only have a green roof that we could really garden," they said.