What a coincidence: My immediate superior was the man I had knocked down on the street.
When you join any new organization, it pays to get an up-close, in-depth reading of your immediate superior.
If a managerial accountant suspected his or her immediate superior of wrongdoing, the managerial accountant should reque?
It also emerged four out of ten women who have female bosses believe they could do a better job than their immediate superior.
For any complains, you should only write to the particular person, section or you should see your immediate superior on your issue.
Contact with levels above the immediate superior should be initiated only with your superior's knowledge, assuming he or she is not involved.
Check and approval procedure shall be handled after the reimbursement provided the reimbursement is urgent under special conditions or immediate superior is not in.
Against the will of his immediate superior, Radmann begins to examine the case - and sucked deeper and deeper into a labyrinth of lies and guilt in his search for the truth.
A post embolization angiogram showed complete occlusion of the bleeder and preservation of the superior thyroid artery with immediate effect.
A post embolization angiogram showed complete occlusion of the bleeder and preservation of the superior thyroid artery with immediate effect.