I immerse my clothes in the water.
Throughout the year villagers and holidaymakers - including Giorgio Armani who has had a holiday home in the village for decades - wander down to the harbour to immerse themselves in the hot water.
To soothe the burning pain, patients often immerse the infected area in water.
In another experiment, the scientists asked participants to immerse their fingers in hot water for 30 seconds after they counted either money or paper.
For one of the tests, test subjects were told to count out a stack of $100 dollarbills and then immerse their hands in hot water.
For one of the tests, test subjects were told to count out a stack of $100 dollar bills and then immerse their hands in hot water.
If you're in a hurry, place it in an airtight bag and immerse in a bowl of cold water for an hour.
Do not immerse auto inflator in water or other liquids for working to avoid wetting auto inflator.
Avoid high-risk food like shellfish, raw food or semi-cooked food. Scrub and rinse shellfish in clean water and immerse them in clean water.
The way to eat a frozen pear is to first immerse it in cold boiled water. The pear will soon be coated with ice and then soften up gradually.
Explore the purity of New Zealand vodka made from 26000 year old water. An expansive 3d experience that will immerse you in the finest of vodkas.
Have you ever tried to eat ten tablets drug when migraine, immerse in to ice water, and even to hit the wall?
Have you ever tried to eat ten tablets drug when migraine, immerse in to ice water, and even to hit the wall?