"I'm a great communicator, love meeting people , demonstrating blogging skills and immersing myself in other cultures, " he said
Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish, which nibble off dead and thickened skin.
Do you believe in immersing yourself in the fury?
Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy.
I have been immersing myself in immersing those vegetable into water for hours.
I had to learn the language, and I had to spend hours upon hours immersing myself in it.
I'm here because I want to try immersing myself in the language and learn more Chinese.
Perhaps they could be healed by immersing in a flow of microcapsules at the end of the day.
It takes a lot of practice, and mostly involves immersing yourself into the culture of lucidity.
Then explore the islands, immersing yourself in upscale Seychellois cuisine with a focus on fresh seafood.
Travel. What better way to stretch your mind than by completely immersing yourself in another culture?
The project was started with each of the development team members immersing themselves as RoR developers.
Why immerse yourself in the learning environment if you can getbetter grades by immersing yourself in a textbook?
Not only has Peng been praised for immersing himself in the character, he’s also built up a strong and beefy body.
As parents learn with frustration, as small children we love immersing ourselves in the same story over and over.
In the process of immersing the reader in a fully realised set of tomorrows, Mr Kohn also recasts his perception of today.
Most of them dealt with disappointment by ordering another beer and immersing themselves in a fresh game of video poker.
I wasn't born fluent in English. I had to learn the language, and I had to spend hours upon hours immersing myself in it.
Place the water-filled cup on a flat surface. Lower your face over the cup, immersing your affected eye inside the water.
Used in the masking operation during wave solder process on PCB, prevented electroplating liquid immersing and polluting.
适用于PC b板含浸过程中遮蔽金手指部分和防止电镀液浸入及污染。
Other items used to preserve foods included oil, vinegar or immersing animal proteins in their own congealed, rendered fat.
We have lots of ways now of immersing ourselves in other people's affairs, which is essentially what literature is all about.
So, that's one small way in the language that they practiced tried to imitate the experience that they were immersing themselves in.
His chocolate triumph is not the result of a snap buccaneering move, but follows decades of immersing himself in the cocoa business.
He says the curriculum was a secondary consideration in his choice; his top priority was immersing himself in the business climate there.
I am immersing myself in learning Spanish at the moment, so I'm loving the fact that I have to use my severely broken Spanish wherever I go.
Even my holidays were spent traveling, jumping on and off planes, arriving in new cities, and immersing myself in new languages and cultures.
Writers and artists should get nutrition, and enrich themselves by immersing themselves among the masses, and by plunging into the thick of life.
But all the hard work paid off. Not only has Peng been praised for immersing himself in the character, he's also built up a strong and beefy body.
When someone first goes to India, they usually have all kinds of notions about "talking with the people" and "-immersing in another culture" and so on.