There are scouring abrasion and impact wear two basic types. The microstructure of two kinds of metal loss in process of wear and tear is not exactly the same.
But the jaw plate must be replaced frequently because the abrasion is severe for intense impact and attrition wear from ores.
The influence of varying impact energy on wear resistance of dual phase cast steel has been investigated under impact three body abrasion.
LCHA with several variations of composition were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior under corrosive impact abrasion.
在改进的MLD - 10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,对不同成分的低碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试。
Under three different impact energy, LCHA with Mn in place of Ni were tested with a modified MLD-10 wear tester to investigate their behavior of corrosive impact abrasion.
在改进的MLD - 10型冲击腐蚀磨损试验机上,选择三种不同的冲击功,对以锰代镍的低碳高合金钢的冲击腐蚀磨损性能进行了测试。
Wear loss of specimens for these two steels during a certain time show that low carbon high alloy steel is much more resistant to corrosive impact abrasion than high manganese steel.
The results show that the impact energy has great influence on the corrosive impact abrasion properties and wear mechanisms of the two steels.
Effect of impact on wear resistance of high chromium cast iron and austenitic stainless steel has been studied by ball-on-ball impact and pin-on-disc abrasion test.
Failure analysis of high chromium cast iron liner has been studied by the microstructure, pole-pan wear abrasion, wet grinding and impact toughness.
Failure analysis of high chromium cast iron liner has been studied by the microstructure, pole-pan wear abrasion, wet grinding and impact toughness.