Until the 2009 collision, the last known impact event on Jupiter was the famous "death" of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994.
The prevailing hypothesis is that the moon was formed from a giant impact event, when a Mars-sized object slammed into Earth.
The authors consider the discovery of PGE anomaly and platina as significant evidence for confirming the meteorite impact event.
During an impact event that creates a crater, central uplifts or mounds form on the floor of the crater in craters larger than 7km in diameter.
After excluding various terrestrial factors, the possibility of the impact event of extraterrestrial body, similar to that at the end of the Cretaceous, becomes attractive.
Design stress limits, helmet will burst, impact site will be incomplete, to absorb much of the brunt force in generally significant should replace the helmet after the impact event.
Encoding, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later.
Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later.
An event which closed the docks in Rotterdam or Long Beach would have a far greater economic impact than the grounding of aircraft.
For example, certain log events that impact financial data or personal information might require an acknowledgement because this log event is part of a larger transaction.
You can identify and mitigate the highest impact risks by establishing a custom trigger to let you know when a risk event, such as failure to meet a compliance requirement, has occurred.
The event included the showing of a short documentary film about the impact of climate change, as well as an overview of the basic findings of the report.
By excluding unnecessary event tables and fields from being collected, performance impact can be minimized.
The crack will not impact Bindschadler's expedition and may offer a unique opportunity for the team to measure what happens on a glacier tongue during a calving event.
On May 20-25, you have a tremendous opportunity for an even better conference education on SOA: the IBM IMPACT 2007 event being held in Orlando.
在5月20到25日,您将有机会获得关于SOA的更好的会议教育:将在奥兰多举行IBMIMPACT 2007活动。
These organisms account for up to 40% of the ocean's photosynthesis, so such an event could have a serious impact on Earth's carbon dioxide levels.
For agility to support the business it is important that the individual pieces can also be seen within a business context — an operational event may have a business impact.
Requiring helmets to meet a recognized safety standards is important to ensure that helmets can effectively reduce the impact of a collision to the head in the event of a crash.
Like everyone involved, we're trying to bring this event to a close as quickly as possible and address the impact as soon as possible.
An extraterrestrial impact is most closely linked to the Cretaceous extinction event.
Once a nuclear event does happen, the very nature of being nuclear means that its impact will not be confined to the event state per se.
IBM WebSphere Business events (hereafter called Business events) helps you detect, evaluate, and respond to the impact of events based on the discovery of actionable event patterns.
IBMWebSphereBusinessEvents(以下称为Business Events)帮助您基于可操作事件模式的发现来检测、评估和响应事件影响。
Kabir Khan, who directed "New York", which is about three friends and the impact of 9/11 on their friendship, was also present at the event.
A major storyline event might impact everyone, but each order will respond differently, as per their unique philosophy.
Impact: I spoke with Jeff at an evening event, and his next focus was on creating real tactile responses. He was explaining this to me as he was moving and flipping cards on a coffee table.
For space enthusiasts who stayed up, or woke up early, to watch the impact on Oct. 9, the event was anticlimactic, even disappointing, as they failed to see the anticipated debris plume.
For space enthusiasts who stayed up, or woke up early, to watch the impact on Oct. 9, the event was anticlimactic, even disappointing, as they failed to see the anticipated debris plume.