IBM WebSphere Business events (hereafter called Business events) helps you detect, evaluate, and respond to the impact of events based on the discovery of actionable event patterns.
IBMWebSphereBusinessEvents(以下称为Business Events)帮助您基于可操作事件模式的发现来检测、评估和响应事件影响。
Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later.
Encoding, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later.
For example, certain log events that impact financial data or personal information might require an acknowledgement because this log event is part of a larger transaction.
An event which closed the docks in Rotterdam or Long Beach would have a far greater economic impact than the grounding of aircraft.
Until the 2009 collision, the last known impact event on Jupiter was the famous "death" of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994.
The event included the showing of a short documentary film about the impact of climate change, as well as an overview of the basic findings of the report.
Requiring helmets to meet a recognized safety standards is important to ensure that helmets can effectively reduce the impact of a collision to the head in the event of a crash.
Once a nuclear event does happen, the very nature of being nuclear means that its impact will not be confined to the event state per se.
Kabir Khan, who directed "New York", which is about three friends and the impact of 9/11 on their friendship, was also present at the event.
They also disagree about whether an impact or some other climate event caused the Younger Dryas at the end of the ice age.
In the event of a bubble however, whose bursting would greatly impact the real economy, non-monetary tools should be used to deflate it.
These organisms account for up to 40% of the ocean's photosynthesis, so such an event could have a serious impact on Earth's carbon dioxide levels.
But, although the risk of a nuclear core meltdown is very low, the impact of such an event creates a stigma around the noncarbon power source.
Markets might be undermined by what Nassim Taleb, an author, has described as a “black swan”—an event with a small probability of happening, but a big impact if it does.
During an impact event that creates a crater, central uplifts or mounds form on the floor of the crater in craters larger than 7km in diameter.
Second, the large population size affected by this powerful earthquake allowed this study to achieve a sufficient statistical power to detect the impact of earthquakes on a rare event such as suicide.
Now I'd returned to Kanton with David Obura and Randi Rotjan, a coral expert from NEA, and other scientists to assess the impact of the El Niño event.
The Bank's twice-yearly systemic risk survey of 68 firms showed that the perceived probability of a future "high impact" event was at its highest level since July 2008.
When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level event on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.
The pedals, fabricated in stainless steel with rubber inserts, are ideally placed - and are also designed to collapse in the event of a frontal impact in order to mitigate leg injury.
The event of SARS is a sudden disastrous event, therefore we should not only evaluate its impact in various aspects and search for countermeasures, but also analyze its sociological source.
Event impact, as an important content to measure the socioeconomic value of an event, is usually studied from the perspective of residents perceptions in the host venue.
Based on Harvest Fund Database, we perform an event study on price impact of analyst earnings forecast for all the A-stock firms during 2003-2004.
The survival curves for ruptured and nonruptured HCC were generated and compared to evaluate the impact of the event (rupture) itself on patient prognosis and the TNM staging systems.
The survival curves for ruptured and nonruptured HCC were generated and compared to evaluate the impact of the event (rupture) itself on patient prognosis and the TNM staging systems.