Further information on shielding low current, high resistance, and high impedance voltage circuits can be found in Section 5.
Switching applications of high impedance circuits include low current, high resistance, and high impedance voltage applications.
High impedance voltage switching may be necessary in applications such as monitoring electrochemical cells and measuring semiconductor resistivity.
Based on the analysis of the structural type, capacitance and impedance voltage of grounding transformer, a proper method of choosing grounding transformer is proposed in this paper.
This paper analyzes the require of distribution transformer short impedance in national standard and puts forward a method to test the capacity of transformer with steady impedance voltage.
The effect on the generator excitation magnetic field is different when the capacity and power factor of load are different, and the effect on the internal impedance voltage drop is different, too.
Impedance is related to resistance-which, as generations of schoolchildren have had drummed into them, is the ratio of voltage to current.
Guarding implies the use of an added low impedance conductor, maintained at the same potential as the high impedance circuit, which will intercept any interfering voltage or current.
This feedback being connected downstream Q1 transistor, the general behavior of this voltage supply is very sensitive to sensor impedance variation.
Any offset current flowing through a high impedance device will cause an unwanted voltage to appear across the device.
If the selected voltage transfer function circuit is not sensitive to stray capacitance, then the implemented simulation impedance circuit is also not sensitive to stray capacitance.
Switching and measuring voltage sources with high internal impedance are subject to a number of errors, including offset currents, stray leakage paths, and electrostatic interference.
While fulfilling the qualification of test technique, it can test the voltage, current, time and insulation impedance for 13 kinds of time mechanisms, and has replaced 13 primary test equipments.
The methods are able to compute any parameter of grounding grids in power current, such as power ground impedance, touch and step voltage, potential differences within grounding grids and so on.
It shows that impedance relay is a kind of relay based on the concept of measuring impedance and distance relay is a relay which is typical of compensating voltage.
In the high impedance state, output voltage is unaltered.
Several test results, such as reverse voltage, photo sensitivity, dark current, terminal capacitance, terminal impedance, position distinguishability, position Iinearity, were reported in the paper.
The emitting coil and capacitance are connected in parallel and form a resonant amplitude-modulation circuit, which converts the impedance into output voltage.
During this time, a high current is applied and voltage measured to determine the impedance of the battery.
Based on the analysis of AC impedance and two poles voltage test data, the reason of turn - to - turn short circuit fault caused by having copper dregs in generator rotor winding was found.
Two kinds of network side equivalent impedance are chosen for the study of voltage stability.
The electric characteristic parameters of this novel sleeve antenna are calculated, including the input impedance, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), horizontal gain and radiation pattern.
It is a voltage-controlled device with high input impedance, which makes it possible to control higher output power with a lower input voltage.
Power lines have set impedance per kilometre and using this value and comparing voltage and current the distance to a fault can be determined.
The dispersion characteristic, the synchronous voltage and the interaction impedance of this S-band CCTWT are measured.
Applying feedforward control of harmonic voltage to hybrid active power filter of finite harmonic impedance can restrain line harmonic voltage.
A new conception of power per unit impedance is defined and the basic equation to express the variation of load voltage magnitude with the variation of its dynamic equivalent impedance a.
By definition, the guard terminal is nearly at the same potential as the high impedance terminal, so the guard terminal will be at the same potential as the magnitude of the voltage source.
By definition, the guard terminal is nearly at the same potential as the high impedance terminal, so the guard terminal will be at the same potential as the magnitude of the voltage source.