Imperative programming definitely shapes your thinking.
In an imperative programming language one might accomplish this with a loop.
In imperative programming languages, I must think about each atomic step in my algorithm.
A different tack is to define a state machine as any imperative programming language in which the nodes are also the source lines.
Imperative programming is painting, logic programming is sculpture, declarative programming is word art, functional programming process art.
Since the macro expands to regular code anyway, you can always switch back to imperative programming if the declarative language doesn't suit your needs.
To use a functional language, you just need to let go of imperative programming styles. Learning to write in a more functional style has several benefits.
Imperative programming is often a more natural and intuitive starting place for new programmers which is why most programming introductions focus on imperative languages and methods.
Since Rake gives a full imperative programming environment there are some things that are trivial to do in Rake which are cumbersome (or impossible without writing a custom Ant task) in Ant.
First, remember that much of the power of actors comes from the message-passing style rather than the blocking-invocation style that characterizes the rest of the imperative programming world.
But a generator goes a bit further than a closure: a generator also "remembers" its position within flow-control constructs (which, in imperative programming, is something more than just data values).
Imperative programs are formed by a sequence of statements with an explicit order, and their algorithms and programming constructs rely heavily on application state.
It's hard to imagine programming languages without these characteristics because imperative languages' "tell me how to do it" approach is so firmly entrenched in our everyday programming philosophies.
Users of imperative languages rely on assignments more than any other programming technique.
One critical difference between imperative and declarative programming methodologies is the notion of completeness.
Many languages using other programming language paradigms, such as object-oriented, imperative, and so on, are also dynamic languages.
Once you get used to the new bind, trigger and animation support, it is hard to go back to the old style of imperative, event-driven UI programming.
Until relatively recently programming languages have fit neatly into either "imperative" or "functional" categories.
Functional programming gives you new, different building blocks to achieve the same goals that imperative languages accomplish with other mechanisms.
Still, state changes are consistently one of the chief causes for programming errors for imperative programmers.
When most programmers think about programming, they imagine imperative styles and techniques for writing applications.
The functional programming approach is easy to understand, but can be difficult to apply if you are used to the more procedural and state-focused imperative languages.
OCaml as was chosen a basis in part because it supports a mix of functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming styles.
Table 1 shows several common programming languages categorized as either imperative or declarative.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
It is imperative that we drastically simplify the programming model.
The imperative (and especially) object-oriented programming style uses structure and messaging as building blocks.
The most popular general purpose programming languages -- including Python and other object-oriented languages -- are predominantly imperative in style.
Their mathematical modeling are needful, since they are not only indispensable for CNC machining and programming, but also imperative for investigating and improving the drill point performance.
但是,需要建立它们的数学模型。 这不仅是CNC加工和编程的前提,也是分析研究和提高钻尖性能的依据。
XYZ/E is a temporal logic system as well as a programming language. It can represent almost every kind of significant features in conventional imperative languages.