Detailed implementing rules shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.
The relevant specific implementing rules are to be promulgated by the State Administration of Taxation.
The newly-revised implementing rules make the provisions of the three tentative regulations on taxation more smoothly linked with each other;
A new Common Market Organisation for fruit and vegetables, together with a fresh set of implementing rules, is in place as from 1 January 2008.
Be responsible for the management of staff housing operation, implementing Rules and Regulation in House and the supervision of underling staff.
You can later add the necessary code to actually implement these policies by implementing rules and rule services and connecting the workflow to the rule services.
To ensure the revision of the Trademark Law, to speed up the legislation process and to conduct research for the amendment of the Implementing Rules of the Trademark Law.
Article 23 Detailed implementing rules of management of issuing automatic import license will be formulated later by Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the said measures.
Relevant departments which need to purchase urgently needed goods in small quantities should handle matters in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of these Detailed Implementing Rules.
Where there is no corresponding provisions in the present Implementing Rules, the provisions of the Rules of Trade and other relevant provisions of the present stock exchange shall apply.
Under the measure, the National Tobacco Administration is directed to formulate the implementing rules and regulations and shall establish a performance monitoring system to ensure compliance.
In this article, we will explore the factors which affect the implementation of teaching management rules and regulations, and how we should improve the effect of implementing rules and regulations.
This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.
这是典型的“三思而后行”,因为执行基于 hook 的电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest 实施的复杂性中的重要跳跃。
Of the many rules that limit pollution to the lakes, the most important is the Clean Water Act. But implementing it remains as tricky as ever.
在限制污染湖水的诸多条规中,最重要的还是净水法(CleanWater Act),而它的实施一直十分棘手。
By implementing a rules engine, changes to business rules can be managed and implemented by business analysts, thereby avoiding programming for changes to business logic.
Good methodologies address the fact that there will most likely be iterative attempts at implementing the policies and rules in a project as most policies and rules change over time.
Business Rules: business Rules are a means of implementing and enforcing business policy through externalization of business function.
However, if the goal aims at implementing policies and rules, we need to focus on policy interoperability.
By opting for a simpler phone and implementing some simple rules I've reduced my cell phone stress, one day hopefully I'll be cell phone free!
It can be articulated manually, by an agreement, or by implementing a set of rules enforcing the trust policy.
This law gave publishers power to write their own copyright rules, by implementing them in the code of the authorized player software.
The first step for implementing the RDR on a particular set of rules is to cluster similar rules together, which helps to group rules in a single cluster, removing dependencies from each other.
The first step for implementing RDR is to annotate the pre-written rules so they can be marked and we can calculate the frequency of each rule fired for the particular dataset.
As described in the article "Introduction to business rules" (see Resources), business rules are a means of implementing and enforcing business policies.
However, if a subgoal aims at implementing policies and rules, our concern becomes policy interoperability among subgoals.
Business rules implementing business components, which are part of service implementations.
A good initial flow definition implementing just the navigation rules above (and no behavior yet) is shown below.
We have found ISO Schematron useful in implementing constraints and complex business rules validations in addition to basic XSD schema validation.
We have found ISO Schematron useful in implementing constraints and complex business rules validations in addition to basic XSD schema validation.