Because change occurs via relational knowledge that is implicit, such interpretation and exploration for explicit or semantic knowledge is facilitating, but not always necessary for change to occur.
This paper analyzes the process and types of knowledge transfer in libraries, and probe into the model and impact factors of the transfer of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge.
Explicit and implicit knowledge are naturally different, however, between them there is synergetic effect, which is exemplified by interface positions.
The knowledge creation process is important model and theory to reveal the inter-conversion and interaction of explicit and implicit knowledge at personal and organizational level.
It can be inferred from the experiment that FS are implicit knowledge in the early stage and could be transformed into explicit knowledge later on, which can be improved by explicit teaching.
It showed that the explicit knowledge sharing had only partial and limited influence on implicit learning.
This thesis reviews the literature of implicit and explicit knowledge and gives a critical review to the studies measuring the two types of knowledge through grammaticality judgment test (GJT).
So this finding showed that interaction between implicit and explicit knowledge happened.
Function is one of the fundamental and basic knowledge in Middle and High school mathematics and its structure contains two clues, one called "explicit clue" and the other "implicit clue".
On the other hand, FFI can contribute to the acquisition of implicit knowledge from explicit knowledge.
On the other hand, FFI can contribute to the acquisition of implicit knowledge from explicit knowledge.