Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging.
The very ambition we impose on our children may get some into Harvard but may also set them up for disappointment.
He tells us how to cross the barriers that we impose on our lives.
My success is limited only to the limits I impose on my thoughts.
You must also pay attention to the size limits spiders impose on each page's content.
And the answer starts, paradoxically, with the limits they should impose on themselves.
Think of the restrictions you impose on yourself, and see if you can lift a few of them.
Start by allowing abundance into your life: There are no limits except for those we impose on ourselves.
The co-operation also highlights the pressures that volatile iron ore prices impose on mid-sized steel mills.
For their part, the rich countries want the poorer countries to lower the tariffs they impose on imported industrial goods.
The price control department may impose on the auctioneer a fine that is 100 percent to 500 percent of the commissions.
Altogether less debatable are the restrictions the bill seeks to impose on investigation in a country where organised crime is rife.
Because these languages are Turing complete (see Resources), they can verify essentially any condition that you might impose on the strings.
It is now accepted that the tree of life is something we impose on nature in an attempt to make the task of understanding it more tractable.
Even when we are physically distant from our groups they can still impede creativity through the unconscious standards they impose on their members.
I was (and am) particularly interested in what limits people impose on their computer usage, and how successful they've been at sticking to them.
The restrictions older-style games impose on image and sound quality force developers to put more thought into what goes in - and what's left out.
The competent authorities may impose on violators of these Provisions such penalties as warning, fine, up to an order to cease their operations at sea.
Figure 1 shows the security restrictions that you could impose on the Retailers dimension of the GO Sales and Marketing cube for managers in the United States.
图1展示了针对美国的经理在GOSalesand Marketing多维数据集上施加的限制。
This exchange of moieties seems to impose on these social orders in real life, in real terms, a way of making society more equal than it might otherwise be.
Whether we write our own life stories or have them dictated to us is matter of whether we live according to the choices we make or the rules we impose on ourselves.
Proponents of the idea argue, first, that American producers would otherwise be disadvantaged by the higher costs that their country's stricter standards impose on them.
Most biologists now accept that the tree is not a fact of nature - it is something we impose on nature in an attempt to make the task of understanding it more tractable.
Most of the complexities that requirements impose on today's software products are behavioral and functional, resulting in component implementations with complex business logic.
In all cases, adventurous users or professionals can overcome the paternalism, but only by paying what amounts to liability insurance, for the risks they impose on the system.
McCraw does not really discuss the main piece of new intellectual machinery that Schumpeter hoped to impose on the jumble of business-cycle history to convert it into a comprehensible tale.
It's time Extremists revolted against what a plethora of standards bodies are trying to impose on what was originally promoted as a way for users to control how their documents should be processed.
It's time Extremists revolted against what a plethora of standards bodies are trying to impose on what was originally promoted as a way for users to control how their documents should be processed.