XCMGart】 XCMG Iron Spiderman once again completed an impossible mission.
A terrible night and an almost impossible mission as we were there to make 16 colour whole cars.
This is the first time I realize that I did not dream about an impossible mission. It is the most meaningful decision I have made in my life.
So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!
(皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。 这样,你还想继续下去吗?
In the movie Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise made being a secret agent seem like the coolest job ever.
At first Wu Heng was doing the job on his own, but later he discovered that is a mission impossible.
Part of the reason is that it turned out to be impossible to put together the alternative-a robotic mission to repair hubble-before the telescope started to crumble.
As the third sequel in the 'Mission: Impossible' series, we knew they had to pull out all the stops.
The ‘Mission Impossible’ star’s spokesperson, Arnold Robinson, confirmed rumours that the couple was tying the knot soon and that they would be doing so in Italy.
阿诺德.罗宾逊是这位《谍中谍》巨星的发言人。 他证实了有关两人将喜结连里并在意大利办事的传言是真的。
Pinewood Studios is hoping to beat the world record for the biggest movie screening with its drive-in showing of Mission Impossible.
Mission: Impossible seems the perfect choice to beat the existing world record and it will look absolutely sensational.
Pixar auteur Brad Byrd swaps in live action for animation to direct Tom Cruise in a fourth Mission: Impossible movie.
It is not fair. Besides, without certain provisions, it is impossible to rely on women’s efforts alone to make it both ways, fulfilling their mission of being “just as good” and still “not as good.”
Mission impossible: Dr Robert Goddard was mocked for using a blackboard at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1924, to describe how man flying to the Moon would one day be possible
Mission not-so-impossible: The Vulcan team celebrate after readers' incredible generosity resulted in the required ?500, 000 being raised
Meanwhile, Suri's dad Tom was shooting Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol in Canada. And he might be 48 years old, but Cruise appears to be in the best shape of his life.
There has been a debate for years on whether to ban all Jeepneys in Manila, but for such a poor country, it seems like "mission impossible".
Which Hollywood blockbuster do you wish you were a part of: "Mission Impossible III", "The Da Vinci Code" or "X-Men: The Last Stand"?
"It's impossible,...... It can't be her!" "Ma... Marian?" Mission 9 -final Confrontation.
译:“不!不可能……这不是她!”“玛…玛丽安?”任务9 -最后的面对。
However, the Mission: Impossible movie franchise is a sterling example of how to defy the sequel "curse".
Initially, he didn't realize he had set out on a "mission impossible" because the academy of fine arts team had experts in metals, mechanics, and non-seismic resistance design.
Roman Pearce: [from trailer] This just went from Mission: Impossible to Mission: In-freaking-sanity.
McGrady completed a mission impossible, magical moment of this birth of Tracy McGrady.
Ricky here would like to share my own experience with you all for Chinese to learn and speak English is just mission impossible!
Like a junior "Mission: Impossible" team, they take mental note of the cards played and assess the probability of what will turn up next.
Tom Cruise has performed his own stunts for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals.
Tom Cruise has performed his own stunts for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals.