Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship.
In most cases, the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land.
It is not essential to build a storage or impounding reservoir if the water can be stored in the ground.
Periodic impounding and draining of the water reservoir would be implemented after the projects were in service.
An earthquake in Wulong possibly induced by Jiangkou reservoir impounding is analyzed by using finite element method.
In this region, Maqu wetland eulogized as "Impounding water reservoir of the Yellow River" is tending to become dry up.
The vertical stress in diaphragm wall is not so high at the end of construction, but will increase considerably after reservoir impounding.
The accumulated “white points” can help them in scrapping simple offences or reducing car impounding period in case of major traffic violations.
Since 1998, the beginning of the impounding, many types of prototype measurements have been employed and many valued data has been accumulated.
The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impounding, storage, and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials.
So what Cai did to stop them from illegally impounding and taking away their properties wouldn't possibly commit a crime of disruption public order.
Beginning from collecting slope shape, the paper concludes deformed landslides after impounding in Xiangxi River valley in the Three Gorges Reservoir.
The main structure of the Three Gorges project consists of the water impounding dam, flood releasing installations, power plants, and navigation facilities.
As a result, I think that the induced earthquake which appeared in the reservoir is in small probability, thus strong earthquake does not caused by impounding.
Large deformation was induced in soils of a certain reservoir bottom during the first water impounding, and resulted in cracks in the asphalt concrete impervious face.
The result shows that this model can effectively coordinate the benefits of flood control, power generation and transportation of the Project in the process of impounding.
After the Three Gorges reservoir impounding, reservoir water level fluctuation and rainfall infiltration have become the major factors that affect the stability of landslide.
The results reveal that after the impounding, Tunaozi Shoal transformed basically from convex-bank entrenched meander to shallow broad river, and will further develop to a concave-bank deep channel.
The results reveal that after the impounding, Tunaozi Shoal transformed basically from convex-bank entrenched meander to shallow broad river, and will further develop to a concave-bank deep channel.