"Bilinguals can pay focused attention without being distracted and also improve in the ability to switch from one task to another," says Sorace.
This helps the whole organization improve in a timely manner.
Working and living conditions continued to improve in rural areas.
Continuously improve in the pursuit of perfection - Reflection and kaizen.
But nearly half of job seekers don't expect the economy to improve in 2010, according to the survey.
You can improve in most of the above areas, so be completely honest with yourself about your weaknesses.
Jonathan Astill from the air traffic control company Nats says conditions should improve in the next 12 hours.
空中交通控制公司Nats的Jonathan Astill表示,未来12小时之内情况会有所改善。
But every manager must be prepared to give both if employees are to improve in their jobs and become more effective.
Get her to tell you what she would like to improve in your relationship and what you could do to make her feel loved.
Just take this question and apply it to areas you want to improve in your blog design in order to get ideas going.
Only 23.3% of respondents think that business will improve in the next six months; 33.8% say conditions will worsen.
Staff are fond of sharing stories about Ms Cleveland's aggressive style, some of which no doubt improve in the telling.
With recent signs of a recovery in China's economy, analysts expect Banks' profit growth to improve in the coming quarters.
Speeds should improve in future as Virgin Media, a cable firm, and BT, the old state telephone monopoly, upgrade their networks.
随着维京传媒电缆公司(Virgin Media)和老牌国家电话也垄断企业英国电信(BT)升级网络,英国网速有望提高。
You'll feel great and if you're an avid TV watcher I'm pretty confident your flexibility will improve in a matter of a few weeks.
If you have a fever, aches and pains, a yellow nasal discharge and your symptoms improve in about a week, it's probably a cold.
Infection control for airborne pathogens must improve in hospitals and other congregate settings, especially where HIV/AIDS is widespread.
The question is whether they improve in their general abilities that reflect their capacities, their operational abilities in everyday life.
The key lies in doing an introspection on what they could improve in the current process and apply Kanban only if they have the right reasons.
With negligible areas of potentially leavening strategic cooperation on the horizon, there's no reason to expect relations to improve in 2008.
Public compliance with control measures is not expected to improve in the absence of intense campaigns to educate the public about the disease.
The youngsters pick up X's and O's, but most of all, they discover just how much they need to improve in order to compete with veteran players.
We can be proud of what we have attained, but we must keep learning from others, improve in every area and strive hard to achieve our future goals.
It also cited a firming of lumber prices, starting in December on the West Coast, as a sign the company's prospects will continue to improve in 2011.
I'll be going over a few popular techniques for faster blogging. Whether just getting started or a seasoned pro, there is always room to improve in writing.
I'll be going over a few popular techniques for faster blogging. Whether just getting started or a seasoned pro, there is always room to improve in writing.