All of our debates and discussions have meaning only when they improve the health of people and relieve their suffering.
The implication of that for me is that it means that we can identify policy levers that will improve the quality of life and improve the health of people.
Implemented at a wide scale, WHO's new recommendations will improve the health of people living with HIV, reduce the number of new HIV infections and save lives.
Progress will not be measured by global averages. It will be measured by how well we improve the health of the African people.
As more people shift to this way of eating, the connection will be more apparent, and even more will make the necessary changes to improve their health.
Counting the world's deaths and finding out why people die is one of the most important goals to improve public health.
The health workforce consists of all people engaged in actions whose primary intent is to improve health.
Rather, it is large and complex, with millions of people making billions of decisions every day to improve their lives, the lives of their families and the health of their businesses.
The documents prepared for this session illustrate some of the region’s strengths as you strive to improve health for very large numbers of people, including many who are poor.
It will be measured by how well we improve the health of the African people.
A health system consists of all the organizations, institutions, resources and people whose primary purpose is to improve health.
Of course we all know that there’s still so much work to do to savemore lives and improve the health of millions of poor people around theworld.
One major need is to improve the relevance of the ICD in primary care Settings (clinics, doctors' offices and frontline health services), as that is where most people are treated.
WHO carries out a range of functions to improve the health of young people
In our view it has the wealth to improve the health of its people quite quickly.
With the potential to improve the health, safety and care of billions of people, healthcare is one of the most promising industries for IoT.
If you've always dreamed of working with people to improve their health and well-being while providing a service to your local community, a fitness franchise may be the right option for you.
Established in 1902, PAHO works to improve the health and the quality of life of people of the Americas and serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World health Organization.
Dementia may be incurable, but health officials say much can be done to improve the lives of people who have it, and support their families and caregivers.
It agreed that medicines will have a limited effect on extending human life, and it was more important to improve the health and quality of life for older people, rather than prolonging it.
Yes ah, accompanied by the improvement of material life, people also will improve the quality of life, and good health also will pay attention to.
We should significantly improve the intellectual, moral, scientific, cultural, and health standards of the people.
Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.
Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.