It is believed that the emission peaks were concerned with impurity level in the bandgap.
Varying impurity level, it was found that this microstructural effect is independent of temper embrittlement.
This is a photonic impurity state, similar to the impurity level in semiconductor. The introduction of impurity layer increased the width…
杂质层的引入增宽了原来光子禁带的宽度,杂质态的特征与杂质层的光学厚度、 折射率及在晶体中的位置等因素有关。
These data can be used to estimate the lifetime of plasma facing components and analyze the impurity level in core plasma of fusion reactors.
These data might be useful to estimate the lifetime of plasma facing components and to analyze the impurity level in core plasma of fusion reactors.
If analytical equipment is available, purge system until oxygen content of residual gas is either less than or meets the process specification impurity level.
An identification technique was presented for estimating the impurity level in propellant and the properties of exhaust afterburning, which can not be measured simply by experiment.
It has been found that a bound state of excitation exists around a paramagnetic impurity with its energy level in the energy gap.
But too high thickness and doping level will do harm to the smoothness of film surface with doped impurity deteriorating the crystallization.
It was found that the deepness of impurity energy level is related to the atomic Numbers of doped elements by the analysis of their electronic structures.
It was found that the deepness of impurity energy level is related to the atomic Numbers of doped elements by the analysis of their electronic structures.