Benefits of bilingualism can begin in utero, Janet Werker, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia, Canada, told the news briefing.
Our genetic inheritance, our quality of life in utero, education, class, career, lifestyle, status, levels of physical, mental and social activity are just some of the main influences.
They may have kept your mother’s immune system from attacking you in utero, for instance.
Mr Canada’s programme begins not in preschool, but in utero in a programme called “Baby College”.
Related to calcium-and just as important-is Vitamin D. it is essential in the diet to promote absorption of the calcium you consume and for the formation of your baby's bones and teeth in utero.
Babies who had been exposed in utero to the hurricane during the first trimester did not go on to display any signs of fetal distress, they found.
The former partners, and rinse the men of Fang Zhai, also in utero created to let the whole court shock surprise, repay the Qianlong, conquered the sunny, touched the queen, but mad queen!
What should not be overlooked is the nutrition that comes in-utero.
Fetal in utero diagnosis, that is, prenatal diagnosis, means diagnosis of those abnormal babies with congenital defect or inheritance disease before their delivery.
In a dichorionic pregnancy, if a co-twin weighs 320 g at 26 weeks and is at high risk of in utero death, we typically would advise the parents to delay delivery.
The most common cause in dogs is an in utero infection with canine herpesvirus.
In utero stem cells transplantation is a promising approach to the prenatal treatment of diseases.
This article summarized fetal in utero treatment.
We have investigated the effects of ethanol exposure in utero on the content of sialic acid and sialidase activity in newborn rat brain.
Objective: To describe in utero radiation exposures in pregnant patients undergoing acetabular fracture repair.
Objective To properly evaluate the benefits of in utero repair of cleft lip, an animal model of cleft lip was developed and the fetal scarless wound healing was observed in SD rat fetus.
That means that whatever goes wrong in autism starts in utero, which should help focus researchers looking for its causes or triggers, including specific genes or prenatal exposures.
Mother to child transmission can occur in utero, intrapartum or postpartum (breastfeeding).
In our study, we were not able to look at the in utero exposure to famine at different trimesters.
From this study, we believe that in utero exposure to under-nutrition may be more important than exposure during early childhood.
Vaccination with live viruses should be postponed in infants exposed to infliximab in utero, until serum levels are undetectable which may require more than 6 months.
MAS infants have been sensitized in utero, exacerhating lower respiratory tract obstruction when breathing, that become a hidden danger to the occurrence of asthma in children.
MAS infants have been sensitized in utero, exacerhating lower respiratory tract obstruction when breathing, that become a hidden danger to the occurrence of asthma in children.