The static initializer in Listing 2 shows the registration process for a Customer class that contains two properties: name and salary.
The wordform_handler class has an initializer and keeps track of the parameter passed in to determine whether to apply XSLT to XML results.
In a static initializer block, which executes when the class is loaded.
This information resides in a BeanInfo class, which is typically provided by your bean when the bean's class is loaded via a static initializer.
Class members that are not initialized in the initializer list are implicitly initialized by using their default constructor.
When overridden in a derived class, returns an array of initializer objects corresponding to an input array of method definitions.
When overridden in a derived class, returns an initializer for the specified method.
When you use an object initializer to create an instance of a named type, the default constructor for the class is called, followed by initialization of designated members in the order you specify.
When you use an object initializer to create an instance of a named type, the default constructor for the class is called, followed by initialization of designated members in the order you specify.