Reilly points out that IPCC predicts an increase, not a decrease, in global crop production, as more CO2 in the atmosphere is beneficial for plant growth.
Nitrogen is the most common gas in the earth's atmosphere, and at a nuclear plant the main radioactive form is known as nitrogen-16.
At first, Moscow initiated a cover-up, and only informed the world when a nuclear plant in Sweden noticed a radiation spike in its atmosphere more than 1,000 kilometers away.
It is cleverly set in the interior with pure green plant, creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.
The advances in researches on increasing trend of CO2 concentration in atmosphere and its impacts on plant growth and agricultural production in recent years is briefly reviewed.
Soil, atmosphere and plant are the important carbon pools in forest ecosystem, among which, plant is the main medium linking the carbon exchange between soil and atmosphere.
If a plant is placed in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, it very soon replenishes the oxygen.
In soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, plant root-zone water storage is an important water source.
In soil-plant-atmosphere system, soil available water content, crop water consumption, and effective precipitation are the main factors in water balance equation of farmland.
Stomata control gas and moisture exchanges between the plant and the external atmosphere. They play an important role in plant photosynthesis and transpiration.
There is evidence indicating that reduction of plant cover reduces the availability of organic particles in the atmosphere.
In short, the Fukushima Daiichi plant contains over 600,000 spent fuel rods - a massive amount of radiation that will soon be released into the atmosphere.
Atmosphere-plant-soil interface, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the soil and underlying mechanisms, emission of greenhouse gases from the soil;
Atmosphere-plant-soil interface, carbon and nitrogen cycling in the soil and underlying mechanisms, emission of greenhouse gases from the soil;