Since the time I last taught at the University of Virginia, five years ago, in-state tuition has risen by over 50 percent.
Yet the rising quality of public universities is important, because these schools provide substantial Numbers of slots, often with discounted in-state tuition.
Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides.
In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent.
Yet that is exactly what UMNO fears most after a run of embarrassing defeats in state and federal polls.
Each event represents a change in state, and the ordered sum of all normal entity states represents a lifecycle.
An indication may have zero or more event triggers, which are recognitions of changes in state.
However, since complete and jump is only allowed for human task activities, complete and jump can only be called in state claimed.
The ruling helped to dampen the tests' use in state and federal court, where the results are rarely accepted as evidence.
The activity is then put in state failed and the fault is propagated to the fault handler of the next enclosing scope.
Transaction support ensures reliability by guaranteeing that changes in state of any resource are synchronized.
For technologists, the same series of events reflects the change in state for object representing the main business entity.
A transition is typically the result of an invocation that causes an important change in state.
McDonald's, the world's biggest restaurant company, and the other dining chains were sued today in state court in Hartford, Connecticut.
This would mean in all public places, since it is already banned in state institutions under the 2004 law.
Important changes in state; for example, when a service starts or stops.
The view model can import the dialog, then based on some change in state or a command, trigger the dialog service.
Though Murray faced up to four years in state prison, it isn't clear how much time he will actually serve.
You can replace code references in operation bodies, action on entry, action on exit, reaction in state, overridden properties, and configuration initialization.
Sandzak’s Bosniaks say they are under-represented in state institutions like the police.
This type of process can be well represented in state transition models (as, for example, available in UML).
Certainly in principle we know how to calculate this and other stuff for a change in state of this sort, for lots of changes of state.
But aid workers found last year that nutrition in state-run institutions for children and the elderly has not improved in the past decade.
The climb out of the recession looks to be painfully slow, and the federal spending will help offset persistent tightening in state and local budgets.
Data compiled by Rutgers shows women currently hold 16.6 percent of the 535 seats in Congress and 23.5 percent of the seats in state legislatures.
In addition, except for asserting authority over procedures for selecting delegates to national nominating conventions, national party organizations rarely meddle in state party affairs.
In addition, except for asserting authority over procedures for selecting delegates to national nominating conventions, national party organizations rarely meddle in state party affairs.