Methods Chick embryo joint chondrocytes digested and isolated by enzyme were grown monolayer culture in vitro. Chondrocyte culture media was collected.
The culture of porcine oocytes maturation in vitro, parthenogenetic activation of MII porcine oocytes and embryo culture are main technology of embryo biology engineering.
The experiment was blastocyst and hatch blastocyst of ICR mouse culture in vitro, and the effect of two methods to the cell counting of mouse embryo was compared.
During the preimplantation embryo development, we can find many abnormal cells especially in the process of in vitro culture.
Methods: Whole embryo culture technique in vitro was used.
Methods Using dissociated cell culture of rat embryo in vitro.
METHOD: In vitro, the hemagglutination reaction of Feiduqing Granules were tested in the chicken embryo culture.
The studies on biological engineering technology of embryo in birds, including the in vitro culture, chimera and transgenic birds are summarized in the essay.
The young embryo of super-early maturing peach variety 'Chunlei 'at fruit hard-ripe stage maintain embryonic growth under the conditions of in vitro culture of ovule.
Objectives: To set up the methods of mouse embryo fibroblasts culture in vitro and to evaluate the toxicity of xenobiotics such as chloride cadmium and formaldehyde by using these methods.
Objectives: To set up the methods of mouse embryo fibroblasts culture in vitro and to evaluate the toxicity of xenobiotics such as chloride cadmium and formaldehyde by using these methods.