He gave the medicine to Chang'e and she kept it in a box.
After that the words were chosen and put in right order in a box according to the text.
Victorians started putting women in a box, and they're still trying to crawl out of it.
I placed everything else unsold in a box to be donated.
Put the pile of clothes in a box; put the old emails in a hidden folder.
Apple's search USES Ajax to show results in a box while typing the query.
The point is that they are much more than devices in a box or in a data centre.
The above output shows that the text fits in a box that is 174x36 pixels in size.
Pare Down your Library: Clear off your bookshelves and put all the books in a box.
He kept the elixir in a box while he went hunting and told his wife not to open it.
Old Liu had warned me not to put the cicadas together in a box as they might fight.
Nomads were never meant to live in a box, but Ochkhuu and Norvoo weren't there by choice.
Another thought: Are we putting the search for life in a box that's too neat and tidy?
Reader writes: "So, my friend found these old pictures in a box from a dead relative."
"One gentleman said he had the remains of his dog in a box in his desk drawer," Mytych said.
Notice that the first instance of each identifier Eclipse has added is enclosed in a box.
B.F. Skinner’s second daughter spent the first two and a half years of her life in a box.
“不要吻他们”他写道,“也别让他们坐到你的大腿上”B.F. Skinner¡的二女儿在她人生的头两年半都待在盒子里面。
If it's sitting in a box in your garage, there's no income potential because no value is being delivered.
Have you ever had a dream that you are locked in a room, trapped in a mine, or buried alive in a box?
She sent the ashes in a box, with a copy of Jim’s will, some awards from work, and a few photographs.
Because social games are online, not sold in a box on a shelf, they don't need to have a finished form.
From here a trending story will appear in a box above the site's "most recent" page content for ten minutes.
We hope that the beer is packed six bottles in a box which should be beautiful, durable and easy to carry.
The gypsum is placed in a box which is then covered with a glass plate supplied with clay removing extra gypsum.
Carolyn found it in a box she had moved to her office from the third-floor residence storage area the previous August.
Though right now the dress exists as a fabric sculpture in a box, the team hopes that it will one day be more than art.
Unlike other devices here, the JooJoo is basically a browser in a box–it doesn’t have apps, let alone an app store.
与这里的其他设备不同,JooJoo 本质上是一个装有浏览器的盒子——它没有应用程序,更别提应用程序商店了。
Unlike other devices here, the JooJoo is basically a browser in a box–it doesn’t have apps, let alone an app store.
与这里的其他设备不同,JooJoo 本质上是一个装有浏览器的盒子——它没有应用程序,更别提应用程序商店了。