The differences between most of the groups were statistically insignificant; however, the participants in the 70 decibels group—those exposed to a level of noise similar to background chatter in a coffee shop—significantly outperformed the other groups.
Today, I was working in a coffee shop when 2 gay men walked in holding hands.
Obama and Kellman met in a coffee shop in Manhattan. Kellman was immediately impressed.
When you work in a coffee shop, you usually make the same latte art - rosettas and hearts.
There's something exhilarating about meeting someone new, whether it's in a coffee shop or online.
As I type this, I am sitting in a coffee shop enjoying some organic coffee and a home made pastry.
Dark hair, bright skin and big smile, I first met Rose in a coffee shop we both used to frequent.
While sitting in a coffee shop sipping your favorite latte, what would you want to see on your handset?
Dave and Trudy are sitting in a coffee shop in London as part of their vacation to the United Kingdom.
I was sitting in a coffee shop when I overheard a conversation between two children and their babysitter.
He wrote the draft of one that helped to turn Iowa for Obama while closeted in a coffee shop in Des Moines.
For other freelancers, part of the adventure is working in your home office one day and in a coffee shop the next.
Later that morning, he met a couple robbers in a coffee shop and he pointed a gun to them and said the words above.
Zodiac Worldly cuisines available 24 hours a day in a coffee shop atmosphere which lends itself to strong conversation a lively setting.
Purchasing green beans are also at least half the price you can purchase comparable quality beans that are pre-roasted in a coffee shop.
Whether you work for an employer or yourself, in a major corporation or behind the counter in a coffee shop, you're the CEO of your career.
One day as she was sitting in a coffee shop with her little baby she had an idea for a story that she wrote down in an outline on a napkin.
George Carter works in the Commercial Bank. He is finishing his coffee in a coffee shop when Laurie Bell comes in, looking for an empty seat.
She was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.
'she was a very busy lady, but she took time to meet up in a coffee shop a couple of times and she also invited me to tea at Kensington Palace.
Spending two hours reading a great book in a coffee shop could well be more productive than spending two hours staring at your computer screen.
When someone asks you a question, change your focus to that person and answer the question as if the two of you are in a coffee shop chatting away.
If you want to enable a secure, ad-hoc version control workflow, for instance, two guys on a wireless network in a coffee shop, then try out this hack.
Saudi Arabian man was recently sentenced to 8 months in prison and 150 lashes, after he was caught meeting a woman without a chaperone in a coffee shop.
If you're sitting in a coffee shop with free WiFi, you may want to use the coffee shop's network, rather than paying for use of your cellular provider's network.
Five years ago, Ji-hwan in a coffee shop to do a part-time job, one day he took in the pictures, show and Jing Xizou into his lens, and then enter his life.
When the company transferred him to Beijing as a program manager in 2004, he and some friends set up an informal poker club that meets twice weekly in a coffee shop.
We've tried to make the screenshots and code listings as easy to follow as possible, just in case you are reading this book on a train, in a coffee shop, or the like.
We've tried to make the screenshots and code listings as easy to follow as possible, just in case you are reading this book on a train, in a coffee shop, or the like.