When movie starts, the lights would be turn off, and you are almost in a dark room.
In a dark room in Queens, New York, 31-year-old fashion designer Tracy Cyr believed she was dying.
If you found yourself in a dark room, walls around you are red, and blood comes from everywhere. Don't be scared!
If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
Praise is a potent, driving force. It lights a small candle in a dark room and its glow begins to fill the space around us.
Thee candles themselves were nothing, but as one candle was used to light another in a dark room, the room would grow brighter.
They spoke low, as people watching and waiting mostly do; aspeople in a dark room, watching and waiting for Lightning, always do.
"Say you are afraid of the dark, you walk in a dark room and turn on the lights and see that there is nothing terrible there," he said.
But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room.
It may be hooded or in a dark room, but whatever the method, the handler controls the speed at which her new environment is introduced.
Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.
Far away in no where, in a dark room with curtain entirely closed, we can see an ugly hand tears down a calendar paper, it says July 13th.
I cannot imagine anything worse than sitting in a dark room out of sunlight immersed in a zero-value story that you have no contribution in.
The great speed of light explained why when we turn on a lamp in a dark room, the lamp and everything else in the room seem to light up at once.
Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air.
ABSTRACT: Wine that has been stored in a dark room at home 'ages' significantly faster than when stored in a professional cellar, research has found.
If you will be presenting in a dark room (such as a large hall), then a dark background (dark blue, grey, etc.) with white or light text will work fine.
The most awesome military power in the world blunders about like a helpless giant in a dark room, swarmed by hostile forces that it cannot see and cannot attack.
On the other hand, if you have a smaller room, you have the option to run in one of the low power Cinema modes that are ideal for a 100 screen in a dark room.
Something changed in that moment of time asI stood in a dark room looking at black monitors and wearing sun glasses while anuclear event was taking place yards away.
Something changed in that moment of time asI stood in a dark room looking at black monitors and wearing sunglasses while anuclear event was taking place yards away.
Something changed in that moment of time as I stood in a dark room looking at black monitors and wearing sun glasses while an uclear event was taking place yards away.
In a dark room nine black human skulls on stands, each lit from below by bright lights, are aligned with a round, mobile mirror on one side and a glass disc on the other.
AM: How do you think your father would feel about all these scholars and students, all these people sitting around in a dark room all day discussing and debating his philosophies?
For example, if it is operating in the low lumen Cinema 1 mode in a dark room, the introduction of ambient light will cause the projector to automatically boost lumen output by about 15%.
For example, if it is operating in the low lumen Cinema 1 mode in a dark room, the introduction of ambient light will cause the projector to automatically boost lumen output by about 15%.