On their way they passed an attic, where a large grey cat guarded her new family in a basket.
You are taking time out of your busy day to treat yourself and your family in a special way.
If there were a change in family circumstances, I'd be a long way from home.
When something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can.
That way, if any problems come up — like if you're being bullied or there's a death in the family and you have to be out of school — they'll be able to work together comfortably.
This was the way we learned the language carved on steles in a tiny family shrine somewhere across the ocean.
The way my family plays 20 questions is that one person silently chooses a famous person and then everyone in the car has 20 yes or no questions to figure out who it is.
"The way we communicate is changing and your family can't live in a bubble and ignore technology, " she says.
Family - a direct link to your past and the people most likely stick by your side. Was your family wrongfully implicated, attacked, or used against you in any way?
Riley and Olsson also concluded that Commander Armstrong and his family members do pronounce the word "a" in a discernible way.
Manage those work projects and family demands in a way that leaves you open to try some of the romantic and fun-filled activities that are available at this time of year.
The first and biggest of these foundations was set up in 1917 by childless Knut Wallenberg as a tax-saving way to keep the family wealth together.
这些基金会中最早也是最大的一个是由无嗣的纳特·瓦伦堡(Knut Wallenberg)在1917年创立的,以一种节税的方式来保全家族财富不会分散。
Despite such reservations, your correspondent has found Skype a handy way of staying in touch with friends and family, and having business meetings.
"I'd like to tell family members to live in a positive way and to be strong," Judy Chan said afterwards.
Find a way to acknowledge the contributions of someone, to show your gratitude, in a public way... in your office, among friends and family, on your blog, in your local newspaper.
There will be times in your marriage when careers, family, kids, friends, hobbies and other important tasks will pack your schedule and get in the way of maintaining a good relationship.
Create a blog as a part of a project or just to stay in touch with friends and family in an easy way.
More than a century ago, the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy wrote, happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
She wanted to explain to friends and family her desire to live simply—in a way they would understand, and without sounding judgmental of their lifestyles.
Last Christmas I took my own family camping in Kenya and I honestly can't think of a better way of spending time with your kids.
But a lawyer representing the family of the murdered girl claims that police said her phone was hacked in a way that raised hopes that she was alive.
The RDF format is really a family of standards It enables you to describe information and resources in a way that allows systems to easily make connections and relations between different resources.
Cord Blood banking is a safe, non-invasive way to provide these life-giving cells to your child, your family or those in need. It is like a powerful health insurance policy for your family.
That is a way of providing extra seating for a family outing, say, or of carrying luggage that will not fit in the leading vehicle.
I value time spent with family and friends in a way that I never did before.
The emblem of Shanghai Expo looks like the Chinese character for “world”; it is also combined with the numbers “2010” in an elegant way that resembles a celebrating family.
The emblem of Shanghai Expo looks like the Chinese character for “world”; it is also combined with the numbers “2010” in an elegant way that resembles a celebrating family.