You can find out in a New York minute by checking MSN Money's Company Report pages.
For example, I have a friend who BQ'd by one minute in the 2010 New York City marathon, which was run well after the 2011 Boston Marathon registration had closed.
比方说,我有个朋友在纽约马拉松赛中用时低于合格时间 标准一分钟,该赛事在 2011年波士顿马拉松报名截止后正常进行。
One observer in New York reported seeing three to five meteors a minute even after dawn broke, she added.
It's not uncommon for iPhone users in busy metro areas, such as New York and San Francisco, to lose voice connections several times over the course of a 5 - or 10-minute phone call.
It's not uncommon for iPhone users in busy metro areas, such as New York and San Francisco, to lose voice connections several times over the course of a 5 - or 10-minute phone call.