He always asks me favors in a roundabout way.
He didn't agree to your opinions, but said so in a roundabout way.
He speaks in a roundabout way and no one knows what he is drive at.
One day something happened which in a roundabout way was enlightening.
Hsieh said he hit upon the idea for the City Hall location in a roundabout way.
So, albeit in a roundabout way, freedom of speech is being realised in this "guesting" way.
虽然道阻且遥,言论的自由通过这种迂回 的方式还是得以实现。
Even if they're being taken in a roundabout way, they're very unlikely to say anything.
Now, albeit in a roundabout way, one of his outlandish fantasies is about to become a reality.
The sadness in his writings reflects genuine emotions with deep social meanings and the tendency of the day. Further more, his art is outstanding, and he writes in a roundabout way.
I still want to tell this story, and he does it in a kind of roundabout way.
I still want to tell this story, and he does it in a kind of roundabout way.
After the second of third offence I was warned that I should be beaten next time, but I received the warning in a curiously roundabout way.
I still want to tell this story, "and he does it in a kind of roundabout way." And this is on page 49.
Small when I have a dream-make a movie star, this is a very roundabout way, in fact, do what is very hard, there's an old Chinese saying the ever-changing world.
Euphemism is to express one's ideas in a mild, vague and roundabout way instead of rude, rigid and direct means, the application of which is restricted by context, objects and intentions.
In our country, the orientation is found after through a roundabout way in the course of controlling this wastewater, and then it's unanimously agreed on that chemical m...
In our country, the orientation is found after through a roundabout way in the course of controlling this wastewater, and then it's unanimously agreed on that chemical m...