The young mother told the story in a soft voice and the baby fell asleep soon.
"Don't ! "Allow a promise to shake, in a soft voice say, " I that is first time and other people's dancing. "
She began in a soft voice: "My name is Baida Abdul Karim al-Shammari, and I am from New Baquba near the general hospital.
她的声音柔柔的,开始对我说:“我叫拜妲·阿卜杜勒·卡里姆·艾-莎玛里,我家在新巴库巴(New Baquba)的综合医院附近。
She then read aloud, in a soft voice, and with a beauty of intonation that was peculiar, that touching account of anguish and of glory.
The Geng surname also opened mouth at this time, she in a soft voice said:"Blessing Jin lets six space spaces also melodrama a appointment in the quondam!"
At last, when she came to the youngest, a soft voice cried,"Dear mother, I am in the clock-case."
She was complimenting me in a soft, steady voice, while I chattered nervously about everything that came to mind.
A modest man, David Kelly was savagely grilled by the Committee, and spoke in a voice so soft that the air conditioning had to be turned off so that his words could be heard.
大卫·凯利这样一个温和的人,受到了国会委员会近乎野蛮的折磨。 当他发言时,他的声音如此轻,以致要关上空调才能听到他讲的内容。
"I am just thinking about something from my past, Herman," Roma explains in a voice suddenly very soft.
They were encased in a voice as soft as a whisper, a handshake that felt like a cloud, a face as pale and delicate as plastic surgery and Porcelana skin-bleach could make it.
At first it was a soft and gentle sound, but as his voice rose in crescendo, it became a beautiful and powerful song.
"Rick, you have always been honest with her, she always knew that you were in love with Minmei," said Max with a soft voice.
'I am the ghost of Christmas Past,' replied the spirit, in a soft, gentle voice.
Whispered a Daisy to his neighbour, in a soft, low voice.
In a soft, calm voice, explain that while you are impressed with how well he is following the plot, you'd appreciate it if he'd keep his observations to himself.
A few social media early birds found a new kind of recorded message on their smartphones on Monday: "Good morning," said a woman in a soft, deep voice.
Apply lipstick, and paint her nails, and he holds her elbow and walks with her around their grounds and talks to her in a soft, sweet voice.
The last officer Yan son touched touch the long cilia that he hang in the elbows, the soft voice asked a way: "Are you also the husband of Yan son?"
Walking through the show, a visitor has a hand-held device to listen to brief narrations from a soft, French-accented voice in English (guides in Mandarin are available also).
A novel voice activity detection algorithm is put forward, which is based on soft computing theory, and is applied in adaptive multi-rate speech codec standardized by 3gpp.
A novel voice activity detection algorithm is put forward, which is based on soft computing theory, and is applied in adaptive multi-rate speech codec standardized by 3gpp.