They don't seem to be responding in a pre-programmed sort of way: it may even be possible that they're able to view a problem and work out what the answer is.
"Well, of course—there—are others," explained the Rat in a hesitating sort of way.
Maybe he was kind of a hidden sort of way.
Mole rubbed his eyes and stared at Rat, who was looking about him in a puzzled sort of way.
Generally, even if you wish to apply constraints in the loose way discussed in the last installment of this column, you should have a schema of some sort, for documentation if nothing else.
I was the only one left in the tomb then. I sort of liked it, in a way.
'I felt we might start in a very modest sort of way, say with three or four children,' she later wrote.
We sort of wait until something comes along which could actually affect, in a positive way, a lot of people.
Bugs of this sort result from defining a recursive datatype in such a way that certain base cases of the definition are not given their own classes.
We often store documents, plans, designs, and other artifacts in a team repository of some sort in order to make them available in a consistent way to others on our teams.
She was never without a pencil of some sort and, in her frugal way, used them until they were two-inch stubs, sharpening them carefully with a razor blade.
In the mid-nineties, some American academics proposed that, since it has its own rules, and its own citizens (of a sort), the Internet ought be considered “sovereign” in a way.
We are looking for several weeks, not many, in a short series on the Psalms. It's sort of the opposite, in a way, of the series on the Apostles' Creed.
In video mode, noise was a problem too, but in a different sort of way: the mic seemed a bit overboosted, picking up quite a whoosh with the slightest hint of a breeze.
The people against whom children are wholly unprotected are those who devote themselves to the very mischievous and cruel sort of abortion which is called bringing up a child in the way it should go.
So if you think of Japan in that way you can realize that once you've had a huge earthquake of this sort there's a chance that a lot of faults could have smaller earthquakes.
The most visionary of them contemplate the routine renewal of the body’s organs in a Lincoln’s axish sort of way.
His language is a sort of mishmash of poorly used academic locutions: "worklife plans." It sounds almost like corporate speak, in a way.
Being girly implies being feminine but in a youthful and materialistic sort of way.
The most visionary of them contemplate the routine renewal of the body's organs in a Lincoln's axish sort of way.
There is something compelling, in a ghoulish sort of way, about the notion that earth's climate may be headed toward a tipping point.
People considered saints in some aspects of their lives can slip up in other arenas, as a way of maintaining a sort of moral balance, a new study suggests.
This is all quite funny in a dark sort of way, but what it also throws up is the less amusing issue of the paucity of help for parents of teenagers, not just in Nebraska but in Britain too.
One way to solve this is to try to get your diagrams looking good in a rough sort of way -- a diagram doesn't have to be perfect while you're working on it.
And also in a very sort of pragmatic sense, in a negative way, it's tax-deductible.
You'll say it in a sort of aggressive, irritable tone. And you won't even tell me your name so I can recover in some way.
You'll say it in a sort of aggressive, irritable tone. And you won't even tell me your name so I can recover in some way.