Meaning: the temporary housing built in a state of emergency for the homeless or displaced persons.
A shortage of fresh water in the South Pacific saw the islands of Tuvalu and Tokelau in a state of emergency.
RENOWNED as Africa’s last absolute monarchy, Swaziland has been in a state of emergency for the past 37 years.
My trip had begun at the Oriental, Bangkok, where I woke up to the news that the city was in a state of emergency.
我的旅程是在曼谷东方酒店(The Oriental Bangkok)开始的,早上醒来的时候听见新闻,整个城市已经进入紧急状态。
Stand-by power: in a state of emergency, changes in the work load of the emergency power to run. Alternatperformance.
Electricity power limitation is an important measure to ensure safe operation of the system in the peak load power supply enterprise, or in a state of emergency.
Methods: to perform emergent endoscopic ligation in 138 cirrhosis patients with esophageal varices bleeding in a state of emergency and observe the hemostatic effect.
San Francisco mayor Frank Jordan declared a state of emergency in the city as the looting continued into the night.
The insect, Tutaabsoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.
The insect, Tuta absoluta, has destroyed 80% of farms in Kaduna, Nigeria's largest tomato-producing state, leading the government there to declare a state of emergency.
However, the right of a State to be consulted or prevent its views to an emergency Committee shall be without prejudice to the need to act swiftly in the event of an emergency.
A California study found that as many as 45 percent of the emergency calls placed from cell phones in the state were frivolous or prank calls.
Mr Abbas, sitting in the West Bank, did not declare a state of emergency until Hamas militants were ransacking his Gaza home.
Last year during the dry season, smoke from the fires disrupted air traffic and closed airports in Bolivia, and the country declared a state of emergency in its Amazon territory.
In the autumn of 2005 car-burning and riots in the banlieues, the public-housing projects that ring French cities, prompted the declaration of a state of emergency.
The Governor of Louisiana declares a state of emergency as an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico creeps closer toward the shore, threatening wildlife.
Bangkok remains under a state of emergency and a string of bombings there and in the northern city of Chiang mai have rattled the public.
Tuvalu, a series of low-lying islands in the Pacific, has declared a state of emergency due to water shortages.
The blazes torched buildings, closed a vital freeway, and caused at least two fatalities — prompting Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency in L.A. and Ventura Counties.
I think the real problem is that "we" (that is, we software developers) are in a permanent state of emergency, grasping at straws to get our work done.
Arnie declared a state of emergency in 10 counties in California due to the cold weather.
Quite the reverse in fact, compared to those who did report the emergency, they appeared to be in a more heightened state of arousal.
This week Colorado, with an estimated 250, 000 illegal residents in a population of 4.7m, voted to deny state benefits, including non-emergency health care, to anyone who cannot prove legal residence.
Only “in time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation” may a state opt out of Article 5—and then only “to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation”.
Governor Bobby Jindal also declared a state of emergency in Louisiana.
The storm had dumped over two feet of snow in a few short hours and a state of emergency was declared. The roads were impassable, phone lines were jammed and we all felt helpless.
Indira Gandhi tried something similar in the 1970s, when she called a state of emergency and introduced a forced-sterilisation programme.
South Carolina's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.
South Carolina's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.