But the juicy steak, the nourishing wheat grain, the loyal dog and the affectionate cat never existed in a state of nature.
Any kind of interest include nature have tendencies to cry, maybe also contains a kind of in a state of nature in the flash of genius.
Like scholars of jurisprudence lost in a state of nature, corporate-governance gurus are scraping around, trying to formulate new rules.
Part of the answer is probably that not all the negative consequences would have shown up at the time the mechanism was evolving. Obesity, for example, is rare in a state of nature.
"Nature gave us lips to conceal our teeth," ran one popular Victorian maxim, alluding to the fact that before the birth of proper dentistry, mouths were often in a shocking state of hygiene.
And by a "state of nature" he means, or by a state of war, he means a condition where there is no recognized authority in his language to keep us in awe, no authority to awe us.
The purpose of session state is to keep information that is transient in nature and that cannot be recomputed from other state or the current interaction (for example, the content of a shopping cart).
State machines are also useful when the logic is cyclic in nature; that is, where an object or part of the system goes through a series of states repeatedly.
Dalinor, perched in Chifeng City of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is an important wetland ecosystem in Asia and a state-level nature reserve designated for the protection of rare species.
Some people can be especially neurotic or nervous by nature, living out their lives in a state of excessive worry.
Hobbes' members of a state of nature seem to be in a classic prisoner's dilemma problem.
Prof Monnier worked alongside researchers from the University of Denver and Georgia State University to produce a paper published in tomorrow's edition of the journal Nature.
There exists a universal phenomenon of more aspects being assimilated in philosophy whether viewed inwardly from its existential state and research line or outwardly from its nature and function.
Mu Dan's poetic way of expression was "a dream of returning to the nature" in the early stage when ideal living state was the core of the poetic expression.
The concept of "governing by doing nothing that goes against nature" as a means of state affairs management played an active role in history, especially in the initial stage of a feudal dynasty.
What really exists for sure is normality. By nature the mind of each person is in a state of normality.
The spiritual nature of human beings, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
Administrative penalty shall be imposed on a person whose mental illness is of an intermittent nature and who commits an illegal act when he is in a normal mental state.
Machiavelli's preference for these extreme situations expresses his belief that only in moments of great crisis, where the very existence of a state is at risk, does human nature truly reveal itself.
The ecological environment in rural area is the nature and man-made factors which is brought into a state of balance around the villager.
On the other hand, it makes the educators and the educated people in a state of isolation with nature, society and other people.
The nature and taste of food and drugs and their functions paly a fundamental role in maintaining and adjusting humans life state.
The nature and taste of food and drugs and their functions paly a fundamental role in maintaining and adjusting humans life state.