They will coordinate with the Social Security Administration to make sure that Social Security checks reach the right people in a timely fashion.
This keeps the listener references from being garbage collected in a timely fashion.
Supervises subordinates to ensure all daily tasks are completed in a timely fashion;
The carriers should also inform passengers in a timely fashion if a delay does occur.
Remember, the golf game is not to be rushed but it is to be played in a timely fashion.
Starved for connections, it will be unable to publish cluster updates in a timely fashion.
"But with books, " he argues, "it's much harder to find this information in a timely fashion.
We raised living allowances for low-income groups and university students in a timely fashion.
Why information about Flights 77 and 93 did not reach NORAD in a timely fashion is less clear.
Are they available to you as soon as they are generated, so you can follow-up in a timely fashion?
Supervisors the Public Relations department to ensure all daily tasks are completed in a timely fashion.
Part of the lawsuit centered on the FDA's failure to respond to these recommendations in a timely fashion. "this."
As a team nears completion of a major phase, it.s often difficult to wrap up all the details in a timely fashion.
Risk, by itself, will not threaten the success of a project if it is recognized and addressed in a timely fashion.
For a variety of reasons — legacy code, manpower, budget, priorities — some consumers may not migrate in a timely fashion.
You don't need to remove JFace/SWT listeners, as long as the object you're adding them to is disposed in a timely fashion.
只要从中添加侦听器的对象会及时删除,您就无需删除JFace/SWT 侦听器。
Remember, ri offices can serve districts and clubs most effectively when they receive information in a timely fashion.
A working subgroup of 6 GACVS members was formed to ensure that the initiative continues to move forward in a timely fashion.
You don't want to disappoint an employer by failing to respond to their invitation to an interview in a timely fashion.
Mr Ford suggests that the real downside to traffic is that it prevents critical trips from happening in a timely fashion.
If you are working on your desktop most of the time, this gadget is indispensable for being notified by an alert in a timely fashion.
When a build has broken, the feedback must be sent to the right people in a timely fashion and it must provide people with actionable information.
If changes to the export control lists are not incorporated in a timely fashion, it may cause delays in IBM's Integrated Supply Chain processes.
The achievement of decisions in a timely fashion depends in part upon clear, well-established lines of authority and a clear statement of who decides.
Assists the Public Relation Manager to ensure all jobs of the Public Relation Department are completed according to standards and in a timely fashion.
Assists the Public Relation Manager to ensure all jobs of the Public Relation Department are completed according to standards and in a timely fashion.