When I walked in, all the girls in the office were in a tizzy.
You run around in a tizzy trying to do all those last minute things you procrastinated about the night before.
FIVE years ago the French were in a tizzy over rumours that Danone, the world's biggest maker of yogurts, would fall prey to an American giant, PepsiCo.
MILAN (Reuters) - Italy's fashion capital is in a tizzy over a ban on overly thin models at Madrid's fashion week, fearing it could be next with its own catwalk extravaganza less than two weeks away.
Editors at Zhara are reported to be in a tizzy because the leaked video has spoiled their print story, and Zhizn claimed that the magazine was considering suing Chapman for breaching their copyright.
He was in a complete tizzy, muttering and swearing.
Their justification being that the clocks in our computers were binary coded and that after 99, they’d trip to 00 and that’d confuse the all out of them, sending them in a total tizzy.
I have been in such a tizzy these last few days getting ready for the Brown Going-Away party.
我需要有人帮我准备 我这些天心情激动,忙着准备布朗一家的告别聚会。
I have been in such a tizzy these last few days getting ready for the Brown Going-Away party.
我需要有人帮我准备 我这些天心情激动,忙着准备布朗一家的告别聚会。