She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.
The caged bird flapped its wings in a vain attempt to fly away.
Those without umbrellas had covered their heads with plastic bags, towels and books in a vain attempt to stay dry.
It was then repeatedly whittled down, finally to just $34 billion, in a vain attempt to win over a few Republicans.
因此,它的启动资金由开始本就不多的790亿美元,反复削减至最终的340亿美元。 可即便如此,也还是没能赢得几个共和党人的支持,白白折腾了一场。
With the starship damaged and unable to take off, Jeremitt and Caterine set out in a vain attempt to find civilization.
The United States attorney-general is suing her as she sits, in a vain attempt to make her dissolve herself into constituent companies.
And thereupon he would get out one or another of his manuscripts, such as "Adventure," and read it over and over in a vain attempt to vindicate the editorial silence.
Instead of going all out in a vain attempt to do everything right the first time, Microsoft recommends starting with only the features absolutely needed to meet the requirements.
An attempt to preserve life in a state of neutrality and indifference, is unreasonable and vain.
Habit will render faults which we have been accustomed to regard from youth, beautiful. In vain will a stranger attempt to convince us that we are in error.
Habit will render faults which we have been accustomed to regard from youth, beautiful. In vain will a stranger attempt to convince us that we are in error.