Besides this, it is so designed as to be used in a vertical position to carry out center work with a tailstock.
Mount the coil in a vertical position, on a hollow wood base so that a core can be moved up and down through the hole in the spool.
The FV-4M1 should be mounted only in a vertical position as its operation is based on the vertical movement of the float (see Fig. 3).
Select a location near the center of the water piping system. It must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
Select ta location near the center of the water piping system. It must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
If two frame components are fitted together, the lower component shall not become detached when subjected to twice its own weight in a vertical position.
Select a location near the fixture that this water heater will supply. The water heater must be installed indoors and in a vertical position on a level surface.
Immediately stand the panel in the constant-temperature cabinet or drying room, in a vertical position, with the strips of paint horizontal and with the thickest film at the bottom of the panel.
The walls and floors of the building, called panels, are cast in a horizontal or vertical position.
Lastly, he finds that he's "sometimes hesitant to use it as a base [in the vertical screen position] as it seems not quite so stable."
Positioning. The browser determines a floated element's vertical position from the element's location in the "normal flow" of the document.
定位:浏览器决定了被浮动元素相对于该元素在文档的 “正常排列” 中的位置的垂直位置。
First: the position of the first bolt invariably leads to a greater Angle in the rope as the belayer stands away from the vertical plane.
Watts Series 007dcda May be installed in either a vertical or horizontal position.
Watts Series ET non-potable water expansion tanks may be installed in a tee or any other suitable tapping in the heating system and can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position.
Series ETX may be installed in a tee or any other suitable tapping in the heating system and can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position.
Series 007 May be installed in either a vertical or horizontal position.
They can be oriented in a vertical or horizontal position.
EVF is the current buzz phrase in the elite swimming world, it refers to achieving a vertical forearm position as early as possible during the catch and then maintaining it through the pull phase.
"The plane appears to have hit the surface of the water in flying position with a strong vertical acceleration," he noted, adding that the plane's belly hit the water first.
The analysis indicates that the unit operation of horizontal wells and vertical wells in reservoirs of low abundance occupies a dominant position in benefit, effectiveness of exploitation and.
An experimental study of the effects of the twin vertical fins position and twist strake wing on a fighter aerodynamic characteristics was performed in the wind tunnel.
The head should remain in a steady position, as a rule slightly in front of the vertical, with a supple poll as the highest point of the neck, and no resistance should be offered to the rider.
While in this vertical display position, clicking on any part of a word will select all characters of the word regardless of the fact that the text is displayed vertically.
The invention relates to a method for measuring the unit width discharge of a vertical line position in a river and the river discharge.
The utility model relates to a buffered platform at the vertical-pull position of a belt conveyor, in particular to the buffered platform equipment at the vertical-pull position of the belt conveyor.
本实用新型涉及一种带式输送机垂拉处缓冲平台,特别是带式输送机垂拉 处装置缓冲平台设备。
The utility model relates to a buffered platform at the vertical-pull position of a belt conveyor, in particular to the buffered platform equipment at the vertical-pull position of the belt conveyor.
本实用新型涉及一种带式输送机垂拉处缓冲平台,特别是带式输送机垂拉 处装置缓冲平台设备。