Making breakfast or going out for a cup of coffee and a muffin can be a special way to show someone you want to take out time in your busy day to be with them.
We will also bundle it all up in a plugin to show one way of integrating code generation into your development process.
We really feel this is an opportunity to look at everything we know in the world and show it in a new way, which is an extraordinary opportunity as artist and visual creators.
In this article, we will show you how to build the application in a process that is similar to the way most developers create applications in order to illustrate the complete development procedures.
Find a way to acknowledge the contributions of someone, to show your gratitude, in a public way... in your office, among friends and family, on your blog, in your local newspaper.
"In my defense, if I am able to show people that this is how some people think and it's wrong, I think it's a pretty effective way of doing that," she said.
Long task lists can be merely a way to show how busy we are, when in fact we're not sure what to do next.
You need to communicate in a way that mirrors their company standards; this will show you can fit in that organisation.
To show up in a conscious way that builds and sustains your brand, three key attributes must be in place: Consistency, Distinctiveness, and Engaging.
She was invested in the character and wanted to be a part of the show. We felt the same way.
It is not dogmatic in its approach and tries to show how Agility is not a haphazard approach to software development nor an excuse for doing things any old way.
Use his lack of expertise as a way to shine in your current position and show you are a team player.
This made the man feel bad. So he was relieved to read in my book “You Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.
这件事让他觉得很不好受,所以当他读我的书《你就是不懂:男人与女人的交谈》(百龄坛出版 1990),里面有一句话,“一起做一件事本身就是一种安慰,一种表示关切的方式”,他释怀了。
It refers to a good way in which we sincerely and genuinely show politeness, kindness, friendship and respect to people.
If you want to be a successful, high income, portrait photographer, remember that your job is to show people the way they see themselves - their personality - and in the most flattering way possible.
If you want to be a successful, high income, portrait photographer, remember that your job is to show people the way they see themselves... their personality - and in the most flattering way possible.
In the middle of one mission, a trail of green lights was used to mark a new objective - and show the easiest way to get to the place.
What is certainly true is that those who argue for constructive engagement as a way to bring change in Cuba have little to show for it so far.
We all took turns shoveling, in the way the rabbi had instructed, with the shovel upside down to show this was a special kind of digging.
The live stream may be a way to show the capability to Apple users in real time.
So if we were to satisfy that unmet need, various analyses show we would go a long way towards achieving the reduction in birth rates that are required to achieve global population stabilization.
Dr McCrea and his colleagues, however, are the first to show that the way in which a task is presented also influences when it gets done.
If it had a choice, France would keep the commission firmly in its place and run the show with Germany as a sort of European G2, but enlargement of the EU to 27 countries got in the way.
They used a pure mathematical argument to show that there is no way the particle can choose spins around every imaginable axis in a way that is consistent with the 1-0-1 rule.
他们采用纯数学的方法证明,粒子不可能做到在所有可能的轴上选择自旋结果,并且符合1 - 0 - 1法则。
The handshake is thought to have originated in medieval Europe as a way for Kings and knights to show that they did not intend to harm each other and possessed no concealed weapons.
The LLF aims to show that literacy plays a huge role in the way people interact.
Now you have completed the sample soccer application, and you have a very rich way to show the soccer players in the league.
Or will it fall to someone we've never heard of - a couple of guys or gals in a garage, perhaps - to show us the way?
There are many different ways we can show kindness to others, and it doesn't have to be in a big way.
There are many different ways we can show kindness to others, and it doesn't have to be in a big way.