It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.
In addition to changes in the Labour market, two other things have smudged the borders on the class map.
Obviously, what predicts a long-term relationship are probably things less superficial than looks, or at least other things in addition to looks.
A machine's memory is used for the operating system, and middleware and application logic, among other things, in addition to the data you put in it.
In addition to getting the basic premise right, there are a number of other things you can do to encourage more contributions.
In addition to nicotine, there are a lot of other harmful things in cigarettes.
The name of that place, in addition to his wife, probably only those professional turn other people's house of things people can be found.
Bill: Thank you. In addition to filling out the "Application for Deregistration", any other things to be done?
In addition, in the rest of two years, university students tend to deal with other things instead of academic study only, such as future career planning, pursuing advanced studies and so on.
Today, in addition to being good at studies, a student is also encouraged to cultivate interests in many other things, such as sports, painting, and music.
In addition, the people you work with today will inevitably move on to other things. You may find yourself looking across a desk at them in a future interview!
A lot of things happened, experienced and has passed it seems, never mind in addition to other effects on the left.
I shall speak only of my first teacher because in addition to the other things, she brought discovery.
In addition to the command itself, there are two other things that you need to make a command work.
In addition to the command itself, there are two other things that you need to make a command work.