This watch gave the time in twenty world capitals and in a capital city in Another Place, where it was always one time, and that was Too late.
This will prevent such souls from repeating their manipulations elsewhere in creation and causing yet another place in time and space to fall in consciousness like earth.
If the energy is prevented from manifesting in the natural flow it will be directed to another place and time.
It is not our belief that we'll wake up one day in another time and place, in an altered experience unable to recognize ourselves and those around us.
So next year, there's another good time to visit Munich apart from Oktoberfest - and trust me, the weather in June is generally better than late September (when Oktoberfest takes place)!
Time is a river the irresistible flow of all created things. one thing no sooner comes into view than it is hurried past and another takes its place only to be swept away in turn.
童时, 丢很多东西会很伤心, 丢了自尊一样地哭。只有一个东西,似乎不太一样。——气球。看它越变越小, 直到消失。想知道到天空的距离有多远。
Time is a river the irresistible flow of all created things. one thing no sooner comes into view than it is hurried past and another takes its place only to be swept away in turn.
童时, 丢很多东西会很伤心, 丢了自尊一样地哭。只有一个东西,似乎不太一样。——气球。看它越变越小, 直到消失。想知道到天空的距离有多远。