The changes I instigated in association with the board 18 months ago were because I love this company.
This training has been created by VSO volunteers in association with the Qingyang Education Bureau.
The programs are made in association with streetfootballworld, a Berlin based non-profit organization.
We are deploying military force in association with our allies in order to achieve clear but limited goals.
Qingdao Haier Co. Ltd, in association with Inc., sponsored an Olympics online "love torch" relay.
The WHO emblem should not be used in association with advertising or with the names of proprietary products.
When I was in association with her, there were some other girls who were professional and beautiful around me.
The host trees resist the fungi in physical or chemical manner, the fungi attack trees in association with beetles.
If you're running an event in association with your blog, consider making a Twitter conversation part of your strategy.
Hepatitis A and E are also transmitted by the fecal-oral route, in association with lack of access to safe water and sanitation.
A study by the Pew Research Center, in association with Time magazine, highlights rapidly changing notions of the American family.
Suffering is also the result of sticky energy, but not energy that has entirely stuck as in association with the vibration of pain.
Certainly his outdoor projects were often done in association with major architectural works, and some drawings and models are in the show.
Studying the energy in association with its force in sequence guides us to a deeper understanding of the different vibration of each day.
Epidemiological studies have shown that symptoms of bronchitis in asthmatic children increase in association with long-term exposure to NO2.
Some work in association with other angels so that they can provide enough funding that the company doesn't have to rely on VCs too early on.
The Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University broke a large story on renewable energy in association with ABC's World News Tonight.
Collagen (or its chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one would expect to find in association with bone tissue.
"We have about 20 cases under investigation right now where the H1N1 virus has been found in association with pregnancy," Schuchat told reporters.
Moreover, the movement and transportation of birds in association with fighting events represents a significant risk with regard to public health.
It has been developed by FAO in association with the organizations responsible for international standard setting in sanitary and phytosanitary matters.
The document is based on a survey carried out by UKCOSA ― UK Council for International Education ― in association with organisations like the British Council.
Analysis of the medical history in association with the positive physical and laboratory findings suggested a clinical diagnosis of exophthalmia thyrotoxicosis.
Consequently, transference historically has been used in association with psychopathological conditions, though in fact that does not necessarily have to be the case.
Consequently, transference historically has been used in association with psychopathological conditions, though in fact that does not necessarily have to be the case.