The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home.
They formed up in battle line, infantry in the center, cavalry on the wings, artillery to the rear firing over their heads.
Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.
The two opposing armies are locked in battle.
He was a magical shooter in our squad and his every shot did execution in battle.
Some 35, 000 Hmong died in battle.
The knight's limbs are cut off one by one in battle, yet he keeps up the fight.
But he did order his men shaved so that their beards could not be grabbed in battle.
The two men shared a bond born of their common world view: you tested your mettle in battle.
In the mid-1850s she settled in Battle Creek, Michigan, her base of operations for the rest of her life.
19世纪50年代中期,她在密歇根州的巴特尔·克里克(Battle Creek)定居,这里是她晚年主要的活动场所。
While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle.
Hoping to die in battle, he would fight in the front line, exposing himself without any worry for his life.
Are there certain things that children can do or would be willing to do that you can't get men to do in battle?
In total, the death toll in battle fell from over 200,000 a year in the mid-1980s to below 20,000 in the mid-2000s.
A squad of sappers and miners, axe on shoulder, had just made their appearance in battle array at the end of the street.
The War Office in London now forbade pipers to play in battle, but Mr Millin and Lord Lovat, as Scots, plotted rebellion.
And the people gat them by stealth that day into the city, as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle.
This latest order adds to a recent trend of the Defense Department ordering and using the unmanned systems in battle Settings.
Except for the Hivites living in Gibeon, not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites, who took them all in battle.
Arkin says it isn't the ethical limitations of robots in battle that inspire his work but the ethical limitations of human beings.
However, although Standish was fearless in battle, he was too shy to confront Mullins directly, so he sent his young friend, Alden.
Very well, butI must warn you that, even though you will succeed in battle, the credit forthe victory will be given to a woman.
Such was his fearlessness in battle that contemporaries understandably considered his survival to an arthritic old age to be a miracle.
Her funeral and burial in Battle Creek was the largest that town had ever seen, testimony to her hold on America's historical imagination.
The court agreed, adding that the convention covered soldiers on patrol and in battle, not just on British bases as Smith was when he died.
See, I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his country. Begin to take possession of it and engage him in battle.
He killed them, shedding their blood in peacetime as if in battle, and with that blood stained the belt around his waist and the sandals on his feet.
Photograph by Fritz Hoffmann - "Gained merit in battle" reads the epitaph of two of the 231 eminent Shaolin monks honored with shrines in the Pagoda Forest.
弗里茨·霍夫曼摄- - -东方寺院的塔林圣地中有231个高僧的墓碑,其中两个墓碑上写道:“在战斗中学会慈悲”。
I have never really been in battle, and if it is anything like a battle in dreams I would not willingly qualify myself to speak by the card on this point.
I have never really been in battle, and if it is anything like a battle in dreams I would not willingly qualify myself to speak by the card on this point.