Yet no celebration in Berlin can hide the fact that the EU is in something of a mid-life crisis.
Since birthday celebration is one of the important activities in ones life, it can be done in more meaningful ways.
Thanksgiving is a time for celebration and giving thanks. To celebrate the coming Thanksgiving, here are "some" of the 1 blessings in my life.
I was privileged to be part of an amazing candle-lit, inter-faith celebration of Gandhi's life, in the middle of the City of London, at St Ethelburga's Church.
She is not concerned whether they land on the soil or on the rocks - she is just spreading them everywhere in sheer celebration of life and love.
Birds, in short, show nature's diversity in all its glory, and watching birds is nothing less than a celebration of life.
The 2011 Festival graphics were brought to life with the spirit of celebration in the bustling melting pot that is New York City.
This eventually become a tradition of China and leads to the celebration for another year of safe life. Chinese people celebrate in remembrance of this legend and still continues till today!
However, this thesis attempts to reveal another, less attended aspect of Wordsworth—his celebration of joy in the first half of his creative life.
In daily life, a wide range of festive activities, festive activities common marriage, have children, birthday, celebration, opening up a business.
Grape picking is the maximum importance and ever rechanginging celebration in the life of a Hungary village.
In all her years of working with animals, Buckley had never seen anything like this joy -filled celebration of Jenny's life.
In all her years of working with animals, Buckley had never seen anything like this joy -filled celebration of Jenny's life.