In Asia, for example, chickens and pigs are often kept in close proximity.
In Egypt, poultry are often kept in close proximity to households, also in urban areas.
You’re faster and more efficient in close proximity to your tools, lumber and sawhorses.
Carbon atoms on the two molecules, now in close proximity, bond to each other, forming a new compound.
When you live and work in close proximity with a group of people, you learn a great deal about them.
Clustering is the phenomenon whereby firms from the same industry gather together in close proximity.
The major Libyan highway runs in close proximity to this coast, affording sea access and baring exposure.
Egypt has a large population of poultry, many of which are kept on roof terraces in close proximity to humans.
In southern Kyrgyzstan two well armed communities, Kyrgyz and Uzbek, live in close proximity, angry and scared.
Your children don't need to be in close proximity to notebooks, book bags, whiteboards, and pop quizzes to learn.
The flag is everywhere in close proximity to a business interest. It sells shoes and shoe repair, women"s dresses.
The flag is everywhere in close proximity to a business interest. It sells shoes and shoe repair, women's dresses.
The 40 West project, along with a number of others in close proximity, might involve too much for some shops to handle.
Lastyear some of the younger pandas fell sick, possibly because disease spreadseasily between animals in close proximity.
Finally, for the best performance for end-users, locate the heavily accessed servers in close proximity (network wise) to the users.
His autobiography says he left for New York, in part, to be 'in the heart of a true city, with black neighborhoods in close proximity.'
However, extensive soft-tissue resection in close proximity to the rectum may predispose patients to wound complications and infection.
Apart from living in close proximity to each other, the cases in this cluster are known to have participated in a family gathering around 29 April.
This tight coupling can impact the scalability of the administrative runtime if the run time components are not located together in close proximity.
Over the past decade, the European Union, living in close proximity to the old Soviet plants, used leverage where it could to get some of them shuttered.
Is 38 when they rust out, lose their teeth and start spitting sunflower seeds not to mention phlegm in close proximity of your feet while walking backwards?
In clusters that are too far away, it isn't always possible to tell if a telescope has picked up on one heavyweight star or two smaller ones in close proximity.
In the meantime, your only real option for displaying a list of hotels in close proximity to the destination airport is to take advantage of a remote Web service.
In the meantime, your only real option for displaying a list of hotels in close proximity to the destination airport is to take advantage of a remote Web service.