They shoved off, presently, Tom in command, Huck at the after oar and Joe at the forward.
Run J2C Ant scripts in command line.
Try these built-in command and a few add-on tools.
In command 3, the error messages produced by rm are captured in the file named errors.
Of course it is inaccurate to say that the police commander was the one in command.
In command mode, you can do everything you need to do to a text file except edit it.
At 23 he became brigadier general of volunteers in command of a Michigan cavalry brigade.
To use a particular plug-in, run the plug-in command specifying the name of that plug-in.
要想使用某个插件,应该在运行plug - in命令时指定插件名称。
To do this, you have the option of issuing a command in command CLP or in a guided GUI wizard.
Additional steps are required to run the adapter in command line mode or as a Windows service.
With vi in command mode, type :set autoindent, then press Enter to turn on automatic indenting.
在命令模式下,输入 :set autoindent,然后按回车打开自动缩进。
While most useful in Command Status screens, these keystrokes work in all screens (see Table 1).
It takes in command line parameters to determine what services to find users and calculate stats.
Once you type i or a, you can entertext. Esc puts you back in command mode where you can type
In July Ignacio Coronel, who was third in command of the Sinaloa mob, suffered a similar fate.
七月Sinaloa mob的第三手手ignacioCoronel遭到同样的命运。
Once you type I or a, you can enter text. Esc puts you back in command mode where you can type.
The type command also shows that cd is a built-in command and is duplicated externally as /usr/bin/cd.
type命令还显示出,cd是一个内置的命令,并且与外部命令 /usr/bin/cd 是相同的。
This shortcut would actually only run the emulator in Command Prompt and not load an actual virtual device.
If no argument is applied to the plug-in command, it lists all the loaded plug-ins in the current DBX session.
如果没有在plug - in命令中应用参数,它就会列出当前dbx会话中装载的所有插件。
By the way, if you want to convert a Windows path name to its UNIX equivalent or vice versa, try the built-in command cygpath.
This same development is the reason why the principal of a school is not the second in command, but the overall school manager.
Even though the variable is not surrounded by double quotation marks in command 12, fish maintains the whitespace set in command 11.
While in command mode, you can use the >> command to add a level of indentation to an existing line or the << command to remove a level.
在命令模式下,可以使用 >> 命令让现有的一行增加一级缩进,使用 << 命令减少一级缩进。
If you want to force to run the tool in command line interactive mode, you can specify the -console option to the IBMDataMovementTool command.
At this point, a Run dialog box as shown in figure 10 displays, so you have the opportunity to pass in command line arguments to the StockBot.
"Mugabe may still be on the bridge, but he's by no means in command," says a Western diplomat, stating a view held by many of his colleagues.
May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when he puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God.
With only a year left before American forces are to begin withdrawing, the White House will want to avoid the disruption of a change in command.
But Chileans have come to see her as empathetic, as a mother figure who is protecting them, and who had been "in command" when recession struck, she adds.
But Chileans have come to see her as empathetic, as a mother figure who is protecting them, and who had been "in command" when recession struck, she adds.