One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds.
Since early morning he had been swimming in the river, in company with his friends the ducks.
I am going to send you to the cellar, to think over your dreadful misdeeds, in company with the rats.
The newspaper article had branded her a social leper not fit to be seen in company.
The best way to enjoy the natural world is by yourself; the second-best way is in company.
A remarkable work should be enjoyed together and doubts analysed in company.
Those who disobeys the rules in company.
One who diverts the resources in company for personal affairs;
Are employees encouraged to participate in company decisions?
It causes employees to lose faith in company decisions and, ultimately, in the company.
Gazprom chairman, Alexei Miller, says the funds have yet to appear in company accounts.
They are pack animals, and their essence is meant to be living in company of others.
The hope is that a flat-rate income tax of 16% and a reduction in company taxes will kickstart growth.
Just make sure you spend enough time in company, devoting your attention to someone other than yourself.
Sound legal rules in company laws and securities regulations are a first step towards effective corporate governance.
Between 7,000 and 8,000 people in southwest Paris spent the night in company offices, a shopping center and a sports hall.
A few moments later, about three o 'clock, Courfeyrac chanced to be passing along the Rue Mouffetard in company with Bossuet.
They lived in company housing, ate company food, and lived a company life until they made a little money and moved into town.
On a bright day in November, in company with a biologist named Renee Seidler, I went for a look at the details of their dilemma.
Your business strategy comes from how you desire to execute (broadly) on delivering value, which is then reflected in company culture.
Your company is structured so it takes a lifetime to get to the top, and as such there are no digital experts in company-wide leadership positions.
Our voluntary turnover is 4% or less in an average industry of 22%, and we estimate it is saving the company hundreds of millions in company turnover.
Living conditions are deplorable for far too many. Many workers live in company dormitories where eight to 12 people share a small single room with bunk beds three high.
No offense, but if a company will hire you to do a job that important, you know, that's scary, but you don't want to be in company so big, you can't make interesting mistakes.
Wholesale record prices are highly visible—a few prices in company catalogues account for the bulk of sales—which suggests that firms could plausibly co-ordinate on an agreed tariff.
Directors from failed companies are red-flagged in company research reports, says Paul Hodgson, communications director and research associate at corporate governance research firm GMI.
You did not when you saw him, Mr Lockwood: and at the period of which I speak he was just the same as then; only fonder of continued solitude, and perhaps still more laconic in company.
You did not when you saw him, Mr Lockwood: and at the period of which I speak he was just the same as then; only fonder of continued solitude, and perhaps still more laconic in company.