Price has become a more important consideration for shoppers in choosing which shop to visit than it was before the recession.
"Every motorist sits in the comfort of their car, but they don't give any consideration to the price their comfort has for the environment and consequently for themselves," says Orion.
If you live in an apartment building, removing your noisy shoes is the polite thing to do out of consideration for your downstairs neighbors.
For instance, if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road, simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver's consideration.
The size and scale of an SaaS infrastructure is clearly massive in comparison to that of a LAN in consideration of the number of clients that it must be able to serve.
考虑到SaaS必须能够服务的客户机数量,SaaS基础设施的规模要比LAN 大得多。
In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint you as our agent.
In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are; glad to appoint you as our agent.
I am generally supportive of the plan, because there is enough flexibility in the withdrawal to take into consideration conditions on the ground [in Afghanistan].
I have a stake in the projects, and they have to take into consideration my requirements and needs and balance them against the other stakeholders.
You can even see whether there is a model release for the photos, which can be an important consideration in deciding to use photos containing people.
The viewpoints pertinent to the system under consideration (and only those viewpoints) can be specified, along with the key artifacts to be produced in each cell or view.
The aggregation activity implements data aggregation rules which, before CCMS data is updated, take in consideration the source of the data for each data group in the customer record to be updated.
Another consideration is to place important information higher in the display field so the user doesn't have to scroll the display to see related information.
The Augustine panel questioned the cost, design and construction schedule of the rocket in a report submitted to the White House for consideration.
When you think of the term scalable, you probably think of the applications you want to use in your design and whether the those under consideration can handle an increase in the number of users.
当想到术语可伸缩 时,您可能会想到在设计中需要使用的应用程序,并考虑这些程序是否可以应对用户数量的增长。
One important consideration is allowing the application to run efficiently in a cluster environment.
He covers the different areas of consideration in depth, along with any important pros and cons to consider for each technique.
By developing good habits with your IM, you can help bring new consideration to using this wonderful tool in the workplace.
In exploiting natural resources and building enterprises in the national autonomous areas, the state shall give due consideration to the interests of those areas.
"The committee took into consideration the apologies and the sincere remorse shown by Maradona in its decision, which was communicated to him at the end of the meeting," said Fifa.
The output of the meeting will be presented to the committee for consideration at its 39th session in 2007.
But for the first time, added to that is the consideration that they're in the position of being rule-makers, not just rule-takers.
These shifts in the way we relate to personal information require serious consideration in many aspects of our social and legal lives.
The fact that private cars are competing with commodity houses to be the first consideration in peoples consumption itself shows that the traditional idea of sticking to a certain place is challenged.
Many times, developers give little consideration to how they use the data from an XML document in terms of which data binding solution to chose.
It is not intended to be granular enough in perspective for service specification, but rather to provide a high-level view of the information universe under consideration.
It is not intended to be granular enough in perspective for service specification, but rather to provide a high-level view of the information universe under consideration.